[ XXIII ] Salvation

Start from the beginning

"Yes, Lady Cristina?"

She looked to Emma who didn't seem inclined to stop, but before Cristina could say or ask anything, Emma shook her head. "I'll be in the room, I just need a minute. I'll see you there." And then she was gone, her blonde waves swinging behind her.

"Kieran, I'm so sorry. Julian isn't himself right now, surely he didn't mean it." They were standing in the stairwell now, the sun glinting off the cherry banisters.

He laughed humorlessly, "While I do believe he isn't himself at the moment due to the influences of the curse, I still don't believe he has taken much of a liking to me."

"Well Mark is his brother, and you're Mark's- well to Mark, you-" She was stumbling over her words now, Kieran watching her closely.

"I'm Mark's what? Lover? Old friend? 'Ex' is the term I believe I heard Emma use." His silver and black eyes challenged her, intrigued by what she was trying to say.

"Mark loves you. He always will in some way, and you are good Kieran. Whether or not you believe it, whether Julian can see it yet, you are good. You have made mistakes just as we all have, but you have been helping us. You want to see justice done, rights wronged and freedom for everyone. You were raised in a toxic environment; where family should provide love, they instead presented daggers. Yet you still came out of that with kindness in your heart." Kieran's amused expression had faded, a slight vulnerability apparent now as Cristina continued, "And you were there for Mark. When Mark was abandoned, and his brother could do nothing to help, you were the one who kept him sane. Kept him human. Julian will always be grateful to you for that, and to Julian family is everything. Regardless of whatever problem he has with you personally, he will always be indebted to you."

It was quiet in the stairwell now, you could hear people milling about the streets through the open windows. "So you do not know what I am to Mark." Kieran asked, "But what are you to Mark, Cristina Rosales?"

She hesitated, swallowing hard, "I do not know, Kieran. Mark's heart is very confused; as is mine."

Kieran's hair was a shade she had never seen, dark but not the same as the black of his anger. He was inching closer to her, his eyes scanning her face and resting on her eyes. "You are too good, Cristina, to be of these Angels."

"Aren't angels good?" She said, suddenly out of breath under the intensity of his gaze.

He shook his head, "Are they? Demons are cruel under the preface of evil; angels are cold and brutal in the name of glory. Demons do not hide under a pretense of anything they are not, but angels will make it rain blood and heavenly fire and call it justice."

"What am I then? If not angel or demon?"

His fingers grazed her cheek like the brush of a feather, her eyes drifting shut at the soft touch, "You, Lady of Roses – you are our salvation."


Kit was waiting anxiously in the room he had been told to go to. There were only six bedrooms and they all looked the exact same except for the one in the attic which, of course, went to Julian and Mark. There were two beds with navy blue sheets tightly stretched over the mattress and a large nightstand in between. Ty had needed to talk to Julian, Kit understood that much in their glance. He was nervous though, nervous to be around Ty now. The boy who was once his best friend was now something very intimate and different. Kit had kissed girls before, he even kissed Livvy – but something about Ty set him on edge. He was never nervous like this around any other person before even after he had kissed them. Part of him ached to see Ty while another hoped he wouldn't have to see him ever again; it was an odd mix of emotions which Kit decided he hated. Feelings were stupid, they made him itch. Just then, the door opened and as soon as he saw Ty standing in the threshold, those feelings faded. The same familiar comfort and affection swelled in Kit, the anxiety ebbing away. He cleared his throat as Ty pushed the door and walked towards him.

"Is everything okay?" Kit asked.

Ty nodded, "For now, yes. I'm just worried. I don't want Julian to lose himself. But he is still wearing the bracelet, so hopefully things won't get worse." Kit smiled in return.

"Good, and maybe you'll get to see your sister tonight!" At that, Ty's face did light up. Even through all the darkness and fear surrounding them right now, the thought of seeing his family always made Ty smile. He walked closer to him and ruffled his golden hair, surprising him so much that he stood shell-shocked.

"I want you and Helen to get to know each other, you'd get along. You both make stupid jokes I don't quite understand." Kit smiled back after regaining his composure, pulling Ty towards him by the front of his hoodie.

"If she is anything like you, I'm sure I'll love her." He pressed his lips to his again, that spark still there. The brush of Ty's lips sent all the uncertainty and confusion in his mind running – he knew what he wanted and it was this. He had nothing to be uncomfortable about, this was still Ty. His hand was still bunched in his sweatshirt when Ty's hands moved to his face to deepen the kiss. And just as the door opened.

"Ty, I need to-" Julian stepped in the room and stopped abruptly as the boys shot apart. Both of their faces a bright red. "Hey Kit, I – I'm sorry the door wasn't completely shut. Ty, I wanted you to come with me to see the Inquisitor. To convince her to let Helen come here."

Ty shook his head vigorously, the blush on his face deepening, "Yeah- yes of course."

Julian nodded, "Okay, good. Be ready in about an hour?" Ty nodded and Julian repeated the motion, moving back out the door and closing it behind him. But not before Kit could see a genuine smile spread across the older Blackthorn's face.

Ty and Kit looked at each other, waiting for the other to talk when Julian popped his head back in and looked to Kit, "I guess this is payback for you hiding outside Emma's window, hm?"

"Julian!" Ty yelled, but Julian was already laughing and closing the door again. Leaving the two boys in the room in silence, until they both broke out in laughter as well. "You got caught? You really are the worst detective."

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