He sighed as he sat down on the game next to me and put the tokens in. 

We picked the cars we were going to be driving but next was the location. It had a bunch of famous cities. 

But since it was a versing game we had to pick the same city. 

I was choosing Tokyo while Jungkook was choosing Los Angeles. 

"Idiot pick LA," he said as he tried to guide my wheel onto LA. I slapped his arm away and put it back onto Tokyo. 

"It's my chosen game so I get to choose the location, too, idiot," I mimicked. He grunted but picked Tokyo eventually. 

What's funny is that we never agree on things and the other turns out to always be miserable. 


Jungkook ended up winning even though I beat him at the driving game. That stupid dance dance revolution machine was a fan of Jungkook and slowed down his song. So unfair. 

And also sadly, Jungkook tends to always win the bets and competitions we have. I have to stop or else I'll keep losing. 

But currently Jungkook was in the process of thinking what to do next. We were standing outside in the cold breeze as Jungkook thought of places to go. It was only 7, so we still had a few hours. 

His face lit up and he snapped his fingers.

"I thought of the perfect place! Let's go," he sang as we walked to the car. 

"Where is it this time? NO SURPRISES," I demanded.


He never told me where we're going and he was driving for an hour already. 

"Jungkook where the hell are we!? You're lost, right," I said for the millionth time and he finally nodded. "Idiot! You should've put on navigation!"

I smacked the back of his head and he said ow. Funny. 

"Well, sorry! I wanted to be a man and not have someone tell him where to go," he told me as I face palmed. How can he be so stupid. 

We were in the middle of an empty road, with no buildings or lights around, just trees and the dark night sky. We also didn't have any cell service or internet. 

"Great, just great. You got us stranded," I remarked as I pulled my hair out of frustration. What if we don't get out until tomorrow? How will I explain to mom?

I looked at Jungkook and he seemed a bit panicky. 

"I'll get us out of here, don't worry," he said as he turned the other direction and began driving. But then he'd randomly pick a turn to go right or left. Basically a game of chance. 


It was already 9 but we weren't anywhere familiar. We were just driving around...almost out of gas. I had already lost all hope. 

I decided to just close my eyes and rest. Maybe magically when I open them I'll appear in my bedroom. 

But then Jungkook started shaking my arm. 

"Yoonhee! I found a building!" he said, pointing to the left. I opened my eyes and I saw a convenience store, and the lights were on. Score! 

"Dude go park RIGHT NOW," I commanded and he did so. We ran inside...and there was an old woman sitting inside, watching TV on a miniature television. She turned around right when she heard the bell attached to the door ring. 

"Oh, what's a young couple like you doing here at such a late hour?" she asked as she turned down the volume and put her attention towards us. I bumped Jungkook slightly with my shoulder motioning him to talk. 

Look At Me // JJKWhere stories live. Discover now