"She's just an annoying brat that's bugged me for years, now quit doing the same and get away from me," he briskly walks away back to the Thunder Legion who seems to have already found a new job and leaves the guild. Well, that conversation was, pleasant? BUT, STILL, HE WAS BEING PRETTY RUDE JUST WALKING AWAY LIKE THAT! Rolling my eyes I dodge a chair heading my way and go over to Erza. 

"Hey Erza, what can you tell me about Angelina? I heard she's on a mission, but that's about it," I shrug. Erza smiles gently as she finishes chewing a bite of her cake as if reminiscing a memory. 

"Angelina is the most caring person you will ever meet in Fairy Tail, she can rival Mira in beauty and has even posed with her once for Sorcerer's Weekly, I have never truly seen her in battle, but I know she is a valiant warrior, but she tends to be irresponsible at times," she chuckles eating another forkful. Wow! Angelina sounds awesome! It's too bad she'll be gone for the next two years until I can meet her. 

"Thanks, Erza," I grin and stand walking over to Macao and Wakaba, "hey guys can you tell me anything about Angelina Liligreen?"  

"Why do you wanna know about her?," asks Macao sipping his drink.

 "Just curious, since I can't meet her for two years," I shrug. 

"Well, Ange is really sweet until you get her really angry or challenge her, Wakaba and I would bet on how many times Erza or Ange would knock out Natsu and Gray all the time when they were younger," he chuckles. 

"Yeah, and Gray and Angelina had some puppy love to! I think they still do! But, they keep denying it," snickers Wakaba. 

"Gray has a crush on her?" I gasp, I thought Gray didn't like anyone or was too focused on his rivalry with Natsu to have a crush on someone. 

"Why don't you ask him yourself, seems like the boys calmed down," Macao tips his drink towards the boys, looking over I see Gray now sitting alone at a table with only his pants and shoes on, Natsu is passed out on the floor and Elfman is crushing Mira on a broken table. 

"Kay, thank you," I wave to them and walk over, sitting across from Gray. "Hey Gray, what do you know about Angelina?," I ask placing down the painting. 

"She's my best friend, why?" he slightly frowns his eyes trailing from the painting to my face. 

"I heard you two like each other, is that true?!," his eyes widen and he blushes bright red. 

"WHAT?! NO WAY!," he freaks, "she's just my friend! and it's been that way for years!" he denies, but it's kinda obvious that he actually does like her by the way he's reacting. "If you want to talk about crushes talk to flame brain, he may be too stupid to notice, but I catch him blushing sometimes when he watches her or hears her laugh," he turns his eyes towards the window by the table signaling the end of our conversation. 

"Uh, okay, whatever you say, Gray," I shrug and stand going over to the unconscious pyro I lightly nudge him. 

"He'll be knocked out for the next few minutes," grunts Elfman standing up finally getting off of Mira. 

"In that case Elfman what can you tell me about Angelina?," a broad smile comes on Elfman's face when I ask him about the white haired girl. 

"She's a real man! Like Mira, she can lift everyone's spirits when needed and fights like a true man would! Everyone misses her dearly and I cannot wait for her return," he nods firmly then turns to help Mira off of the crumpled table. A groan comes out of the pink pyros mouth and I turn around to see Natsu getting up. 

"Looks like Gray really beat ya that time huh Natsu?!," teases Happy who is now sitting beside the dragon slayer. 

"Quiet Happy," he growls clearly displeased by his comment, he finally sits himself up sitting crisscrossed. 

"Hey Natsu," I sit in front of him holding up the picture. 

"Yeah, Lucy? Why do you have that picture," he frowns looking at the painting. 

"I was wondering if you could tell me anything about Angelina?," Natsu continues to look at me like I'm crazy. 

"Careful Natsu, she's been asking everyone about her all morning, I think she's starting to stalk her," warns Happy. 

"QUIET CAT!," I screech, "look the only reason I'm asking everyone is that I'm just curious about her alright? Everyone seems to think so highly of her and I just want to know why, since I can't meet her for two years I figured I would ask you guys." 

"Oh, well in that case Angelina is great! She's my best friend and she even gave, Happy and I a mission to tell her about the most awesome adventures we can when she gets home!" he gives the biggest grin he can while he goes into his usual relaxed pose. 

"Aye!," giggles Happy, "also, Angelina is a lot nicer than you are Lucy, cause she doesn't hit people all the time like you do," he snickers. 

"Hey, you guys talking about Lina?," calls Cana lifting her face from her beer barrel. 

"Aye! I was just saying how much better she is than Lucy," answers Happy for me. 

"Well, she sure can handle her drinks better than Lucy, it took her 6 full mugs to get her drunk, unlike Lucy who could only handle 3," she shrugs, "but, your kinda wrong about her being nicer, sure she doesn't really lose her temper as easily, but when she does lose her temper she can be scarier than Erza, don't you guys remember the time she beat up Laxus for not saying hello," she chuckles. 

"Oh yeah, man that was entertaining," laughs Natsu. 

"SHE WAS ABLE TO BEAT LAXUS?!," I freak, how on earth was she able to do that?! He's like one of the strongest wizards in Fairy Tail! 

"Yep, but I'm almost positive he let her, he barely used any of his magic energy when they fought," chimes in Gray from his table, now in his underwear yet again....

"Gray. Clothes," Gray gasps and puts his clothes back on.

"Why would he do that? Isn't he always trying to make a point that he's the strongest?," I slightly frown confused, maybe he didn't want to hurt her. "Oh, wait, Natsu, is it true you have a crush on her?" my question catches everyone's attention as they stare at Natsu. 

"A....crush?," Natsu looks down as if figuring out the question when his cheeks suddenly rival the color of Erza's hair. "HUH?! NO WAY MAN! SHE'S LIKE MY BEST FRIEND A CRUSH ON HER WOULD BE CRAZY!," he exclaims in shock, everyone bursts out laughing including me, wow, he and Gray almost had exactly the same reaction, I wonder if they both like her. "Awe, come on guys, quit laughing it's true!" he whines. 

"Hey, don't worry Natsu, Gray likes her to so you aren't the only one in denial," snickers Wakaba. 

"Careful Wakaba, you might just be giving the boys another reason to fight and be rivals, they're both going to start fighting for her heart," laughs Macao. 

"NO WE AREN'T," retorts Natsu and Gray in unison almost simultaneously they turn to one another bucking heads, "HEY QUIT COPYING ME!," they yell at each other in unison again.  Giggling quietly I look back at the painting as I hear the boys start quarreling again, man Angelina sounds amazing, and if she makes the boys so flustered like that she must be interesting to have around, I can't wait to meet her. 

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