"Attacking Is The Best Defence"

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When she opened her eyes again, however, she was no longer surrounded by black water, but instead was standing in a stone room, the surface of the floor cold agasint the soles of her feet.

"Kori. He's looking at you again." Eli turned around to meet fiery red eyes, and she almost leapt back in shock. She had seen those eyes, somewhere.

Then her own mouth opened against her will, and started forming words.

"Just ignore him, Kasai. I trained with him before, he's actually quite weak."

The other girl nodded dismissively.

"Whatever you say."

Thankfully, she did not dwell on it for long, and Eli calmed herself. She had to concentrate. This meant literal life and death.

Then, a loud, earth-shattering bang shook the entire room, leaving the two girls struggling to maintain their balance.

"What...was that?" Kasai asked, and shot Eli a worried look.

"No idea." Kori replied, and the door of the stone room burst open.

There was a loud thump as a black boot stepped into the room, coupled with a sickening mechanical whir.

"It's time."

A tall man with a black mask shadowed them, carrying a chainsaw stained with blood. He grinned almost maniacally, his cruel smile a rotten yellow.

The two girls stared at the menacing looking weapon, their eyes fixed on its gleaming reddish silver teeth.

"Ko-Kori...what's going on?" Kasai stuttered, her red eyes horrified.

"I...I don't kn-know..." Eli could feel herself reply, and she shrank when the chainsaw seemed to loom closer.

Then, images began flashing before her eyes, flashes of light and faint voices littered everywhere.



The blonde could catch snippets of speeches being thrown about, but she could not make out all of it.

"Kori! KORI!" Eli snapped out of her dilemma, having been shaken roughly by her panic-stricken companion.

"We have to run! Now!"

Eli nodded quickly as the roar of the chainsaw drew closer, and she dashed for the entrance which was left open by the Man.

"You can't escape forever, my little rats." The Man hissed out, and gave a long chuckle afterwards, his laughs echoing eerily throughout the entire hallway.

Run. Run. Run.

The words stayed glued into Eli's mind, though she was not sure of what exactly she was running from, but every fibre in her body screamed at her to run away.

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