1. Cold floors and Blurry skies

Start from the beginning

It was then that I noticed that his lips were moving, almost like he was talking to me but I couldn't hear a word he was saying

"What" I said furrowing my eye brows a little

"Is the sun still hurting your eyes?" he chuckled


"You are still shielding them"

"Oh" I blushed dropping my hand quickly

"Is something wrong, I'm kind of rushing for a lecture"

"Oh" he smiled "Do you mind if I walk with you" he looked like he was ready to start walking but my answer made him stop


"Wait" he cocked his head to the side "Yes as in yes....or yes as in no"

"What" I frowned

"Do you mean yes as in yes I can walk with you or do you mean yes as in no I can't walk with you because most people get those mixed up whenever you ask them that question"

"I mean yes I do mind meaning no you can't walk with me"

"Oh" he looked a little taken aback "I was kind of hoping that it would be the former"I forced a smile and brushed past him"I guess I'll see you around" he yelled while I continued walking.

The lecturer was in when I got there so I had to quietly look for a seat luckily there weren't many people so I didn't cause any commotion.

I was bored through half of the lecture and the other half was well spent thinking about the hot guy who had offered to walk to with me.

I couldn't ignore the fact that he was handsome but those guys always spelt trouble, plus my mother was kind of strict and over protective, it had taken a lot of convincing for her to let me leave the house and move in with my best friend Hannah.

I couldn't get the shocked look on his face out of my head when he realised that I had said no. He probably wouldn't bother me again and the thought kind of saddened me a little.

No one I found cute ever really showed interest in me, it was always the ones I didn't like and if I did like them it didn't last. I would lose interest in them after some time.

I snapped out of my thoughts after realising that people were packing their stuff and leaving the lecture theatre. I cleared my throat and followed suit.

The halls were buzzing with people, it was almost lunch but I didn't feel like eating so I went to the library. I greeted the old lady and went to my usual spot at the back. There weren't many people so it looked deserted.

I would mostly get a book and sit on the floor at the back of the library where there weren't many people - actually no one ever really went there because the books weren't interesting.

I read my novel through lunch and a little over when I finally decided to put it away and study, believe me it was hard for me to do but it had to be done.I looked at my course outlines and failed to stifle a yawn.

I could already feel tears forming in the corner of my eyes from the boredom. I put my books away and picked up my novel. We didn't learn much so I could spare a day of school work.

I opened my novel and I was filled with excitement, why couldn't studying be as fun as this?I don't know how long I sat on that floor but I checked my watch and it was almost four.

My butt was starting to hurt because of sitting on the cold hard surface for too long and it was high time I went back home. I packed my books properly making sure to put my purse on top, the last thing I wanted was to have to unpack just in case i decided to buy something.

The walk to the apartment was quite interesting with the headsets I had on. Frankly sometimes I would put them even though my phone battery was dead, this way I could ignore people and blame it on the loud music I was supposedly listening to.

I got to the apartment and Hannah wasn't in yet. I felt tired and hungry so I got two bananas from the fridge, ate them and went to take a nap. I looked at my phone and it was almost five, I didn't bother setting an alarm 'cause I was sure my hunger would surely wake me.

So hello babes.....first chapter posted.....what do you think??....😆😆😆...

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