Where My Heart Is

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I've given head before, not my usual practice but I've done it. It's never been like this. Look at him. He is sublime. John spared one more look at Strange's face—a mask contorted in passion, eyebrows furrowed, lips red and parted, head thrown back revealing a white neck, its surface smooth, like alabaster. He is mine.

Strange looked down at him, eyes glazed. "John, I'm going to..."

He suctioned his lips tighter around Strange's cock, not willing to waste a ribbon of come that spurted into his mouth. So, thick, so salty, so good, umm...

"John," Strange slurred, then leaned back against the tiled wall, his face pale and drawn.

"Strange, whoa, whoa, whoa," he blurted out when Strange's body slumped sideways. He forgot about his own imminent release and steadied Strange, lowering him to the floor.

Strange's eyes fluttered open. "What happened?"

"I sucked you off until you passed out. Now looked at me."

Strange did as ordered, which sent a shiver down his spine. He is so powerful and yet he just took an order from me like a junior officer. Everything he does turns me on. John, focus, you have a potential patient in front of you. Check his pulse for god's sake, check his pupils for abnormal dilation, be a Doctor for fuck's sake. He put a finger to his lips, and checked Strange's pulse. "Strange look at my hand, and follow the finger I am holding up."

Strange grinned, then did as instructed. "I'm fine and I didn't pass out."

Satisfied that Strange was stable, he sighed. "Okay, swooned, then."

"No, I didn't swoon either."

"Fine, have it your way. When was the last time you had something to eat and don't count the few bites we had at the restaurant."

Strange closed his eyes. "Um, yesterday? No, maybe it was the day before."

"God damnit Strange, why do you have to carry on like you're a fucking monk on a hunger strike?"

Strange sat up, pulling his knees to his chest. "You have no idea the amount of energy that it took to get me here. My mind has to be clear and fasting is the most efficient way to achieve superior inter dimensional skills."

John looked down at the ground, then back at Strange. "You look cold, come here."

Strange pushed himself off the slick floor, stood up, then shivered. He grabbed a towel out of the cupboard and draped it around Strange. "Come on, I'll find you a robe or something to wrap up in."

Strange nodded, then he grabbed a robe out of his dresser and handed it to Strange. Strange held it up for inspection, then put it on, pulling down on the hem. "It's a little short, isn't it?"

He grinned, then reached beneath its folds, tickling Strange's balls. "Better access."

Strange giggled. "Stop."

Oh my god, how cute. He's ticklish. He went back for a second round, letting his fingers flutter over Strange's scrotum, then he stopped, his expression sobering when Strange pulled him close. "John, stop that now," Strange murmured, blowing a puff of humid air into his ear canal.

"Okay, so you're going to cheat. You know how I love it when you blow into my ear. It renders me helpless."

Strange grinned. "I know."

He reached for Strange's belt, with a playful tug, hoping it would lead to a tussle, then stopped. "You still look pale, let's heat up our left overs, then we can play wrestle."

A Tale of Two DoctorsWhere stories live. Discover now