14. The Headmaster

Start from the beginning

"Perhaps you wish to introduce yourself to us? Or exactly to me?" I told her. She took it calmly and smirked a little. My instinct ticked at the first impression I got from her vibe – a trouble maker.

"My name is Mei. If you called me twice it will be Mei Mei and if you have to repeat it more than twice means I 'Mei' not heard you." Whatever she had been saying invited a blow of laughter to the whole class. I could have sworn that my jaw almost dropped at the very second she began to spoke. God, she was not uttering those words – she was rapping it. She reminded me of Emanuella, the African girl on Youtube or something.

Eventually, the laughter subsided seconds later. "Thank you, Mei. It's a creative introduction indeed." I scoffed inside upon learning whatever I had to endure with this girl from this day and onwards. A girl with a smart mouth and an utterly new environment – Best of luck, Pie Mindara.

"You're most welcome, teacher." She said and took her seat again.

"Oh Mei?" I heard myself saying her name spontaneously. "Would you like to be the class monitor?" The offer or most probably the command I mad had caused her to gape in disbelief. She recovered fast enough that nobody realised the changes in her facial expression.

"It will be my pleasure to help you teacher." And it was the beginning of the new journey of my teaching life at a rural school.


Recess time was fast approaching. I was starving myself because the last time I had a meal was yesterday's afternoon. Nann and Hongyok did the cooking and what not but I guessed whatever they had been serving was not into my liking or taste.

The school's canteen provided free food for the pupils and that included for the teachers too. I saw both Hongyok and Nann enjoying their meals from afar and joined short after. I slid next to Hongyok facing Nann who was seated opposite to us.

"You don't feel like to eat?" Nann asked, looking at the empty space on the table of my side.

I peeked into their plates to get a glimpse of the menu first.

"I'll get it for you," Hongyok rose to her feet before I could even say a word. I could that by myself right? I could take my own meal. "You need to eat, Pie. Kimhan trusted us to take care of you and guess what? You refused to eat most of the time." She said in complaining tone before she walked away soon after.

That one name I hated the most kept repeating in my head over and over – just because Hongyok mentioned about her earlier. Kimhan – it's always about Kimhan. Why it has to be related Kimhan? Only if they knew how I hated her.

"Thank you..." My voice dissolved in the thin air.

"You don't look pleased to be here," Nann said, not even directing her gaze to me. In that awkward silence, I watched she munched on her food, so quiet that it invited a strange feeling inside my tummy. Logically, it was not a random pick start for a conversation. It seemed like she had been keeping it for a while.

Correcting my sitting posture, I tried my best not to stir in my seat. Nann, a good looking female teacher who dressed up in male's attire was no different from Kimhan. I might have the thought that dislike her but then, she did not cause me any trouble neither bring harm to me. She was a colleague.

"It's normal to adapt oneself to a new environment. It can be quite difficult in the beginning and easier as time goes by."

Silence enveloped both of us again. Nann with her own thinking and I drown in my own world.

There were a lot in my mind ever since I got myself into this trouble. I believed that every consequence would meet its resolution but which part of the path I was reaching at this moment. Nothing seemed right neither wrong. I could not undo what had passed neither correct what had been damaged and all I could do was putting all the blame on Kimhan. I knew deep inside, it was not her entire fault. It was mine too.

"Here," A tray stuffed with quite large amount of food was placed right in front of me. I traced the hand of the carrier and watched Hongyok looking at me intently. "You need to recharge."


On Friday morning right after the end of the first period, I had a sudden visit from the Headmaster. It was probably one of his responsibility to check on new teacher or what not but honestly, I did not see him much along the week and he suddenly chose to appear today at my class. Mr. Yupanun, perhaps at his mid forty was liked by many pupils. He had a good word for everybody, an impressive personality and no doubt attractive for his age.

Turned out, he was not really there to discuss anything about teaching or work. Long story short, he was actually asking me out for a dinner together. In doubt, I began to count and consider every single aspect inside my head. Was it necessary? What was his truest intention? And why it should be me?

"Will Nann and Hongyok join us too?" Mr. Yupanun's forehead creased in startled upon hearing me. He looked conflicted, battling with an unknown argument inside his head. I had the sense inside me, telling that this man might have some feeling towards me. Who wouldn't fall for a beautiful woman like me? Trust me, I had gone through that a lot. Ranged from younger men to those who I could call a grandpa, every man who caught feeling towards me would come after me as if I would accept them that very moment they showed they like me.

"Well if you wish that way, all of us can eat out together." He finally spoke after a brief moment of thinking. "Sounds good to you?"

"Sure. I'll see you again this evening."

Little did I know that dinner was the starting point of more misery in my life.

#Author's Note

Hello there everybody. My last update was about 6 months ago and today I come back with not that long update for you. It has been so long and I think my brain couldn't work well for a chapter. I'll try to make another update during this weekend and I hope you're still enjoying my story. Thank you for patiently waiting and reading my book! Thank you for your reminders; asking me to update my story and I love you all.


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