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They think they can get away from me? Ha. That's a joke. They're a joke.
They also didn't call the police, apparently.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?"

"I'm on my way to my girlfriend's apartment - I got word that some guys were on their way there to hurt her or something, I don't know, something bad!"

"Alright, sir, stay calm. What's her address, and what's your name?"

"How am I supposed to fucking stay calm!?"

"Sir, please. What's your name, and the address."

I pretended to take a deep breath. "My name is Jeoneo, the address is 221 Bailer Street."

"Alright, sir. Stay calm. Dispatch is on the way."

"They better be."

"Sir, you can't speak like that to-"

Well, damn, Jeoneo, such a bitch.
I hate him.
Is this close to over?

Yeah I know I tried that once. No, there's a longer plot.

Love xoxo
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