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Wow. Texting Hoseok-hyung like that was actually fun. Hehe.
It was fake, though... We needed Jeoneo to think J-Hope was gay. Mostly to throw pranks on him, but also so for some other reason. Yoongi-hyung wouldn't tell me why... he said he didn't want me involved, or hurt.

I worry, though. They are older, I know. But... I could help. I know I could.

But it's Yoongi-hyung's girl. So I'll do it their way.


I climbed into the back seat of the car, smiling. Man, had it felt good to call off that bastard like that. Especially with my own experience in this...

Anyway. I climbed in, signaling to Tae to start driving. He did, and Yoongi turned around from the passenger seat to face me.

"So? Did you get it?"

I smirked. "Duh." I replied, digging into my pocket and bringing out the jangly bunch of keys.

He snatched them from my hand, quickly counting. "There's seven. We'll have to try them all."

Shaking my head, I took the keys. "No. We text Ji. He didn't have her phone - I felt one in his pocket, and there wasn't another in his other pocket. So unless he was sitting on it, or he carries Ji's phone instead of his own..."

Yoongi finally smiled. "You are amazing."

I smiled back, glad that he could finally do the same. "I know I am."

So I'm thinking my Bangtan books will be a series.... I'm sure you saw that pip on Hopie, I'll make a book that's his background. Tae's book is set in a slightly future time.
Wow, this'll be awesome.
:') Hope you liked, please comment and vote!
Also, I entered this in the Bang Bangtan Awards 2017 ♡♡

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