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Wow, guys. Book's over. Can't believe it.
Don't worry, there are five sequels, and one prequel, actually. They're not all out yet.

i) model》k.sj                         [published
ii) wrong number》m.yg   [published
iii) tutor》k.nj                        [second theory
iv) hope shop》j.hs               [first draft
v) grace》p.jm                        [final theory
vi) rooftop》k.th                    [third draft
vii) seagul》j.jk.                     [first theory

It was really fun writing this and read you guy's reactions. I hope you haven't been a ghost reader! If you have, go back and vote and comment now. Thank you, much loves ♡♡♡

Read my other books, feedback is always appreciated, I do take reqests! Should I do an epilogue?

Gosh, remember before chapter 14, when this book was an innocent romantic comedy?

:') love you guys for reading my crappy writing to the end. ♡

here, Jungkookie wants you to have an ice cream

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here, Jungkookie wants you to have an ice cream. he wasn't much in this book tbh but he's there.

♡♡♡ bye------notes while writing-------I'm writing chapter 42 and writers block sucks------chp

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♡♡♡ bye
notes while writing
-I'm writing chapter 42 and writers block sucks
chp. 43
i accidentally wrote 23 instead lmao
writers block sucks
school sucks
im still stuck on chp 43 bc seriously what do i do

yall get to see my normal style or writing / talking at this point and im wondering abt what the comments here will be if anyone ever reads this lmao
i doubt anyone will but eh
chp 44
yall hate me dont you? this chapter...
you hate me
love you too
wait but no one reads this so theres no one to hate me??? idk
chp 45
i mean
sorry tae
writers block again
but i will persevere
im debating killing tae off
idk i might just do it but then i need to make his book a prequel and he'll need more experience and it complicates things so i wont
maybe someone else dies
lets see

chp 46

what have i done






chp 49
guys i think ill write maybe twenty more chapters??? im sad tbh i dont wanna end the book but i have to
chp 50
guys that was the last chapter what do i do

i love you♡
*previously: k.sj*
*next up: j.hs*

〘 wrong number 〙 「m°yg」Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora