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Last class of the day. Last two weeks of school. Ugh.

Teachers were chillin, students were chillin, and for once, I wasn't.

"Ey. Ey. Ey. Yoongiiiiiiiiiiiii."

I hung my head as Hoseok poked me yet again.

"What do you want now, Sunshine." I sighed, finally looking up at him. He giggled. I swear, he's more of a little girl than anyone I know.

"You look saaadddd. Why are you saaaaadddd?" He pouted, upset that I still hadn't told him.

"I told you, I'll explain after school when we meet up with everyone else."


Why had I agreed to tell them?

I have my ideas ready for little Mista Sunshine's book~ but I'm going to finish this one first

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