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"I have to get to her, Hoseok. You understand, right?"

"Well I'd understand better if you'd explain why, Yoongi."

"Come over. Then I'll explain."

-fifteen minutes-


I nearly sprinted to the door. The stress was getting to me now, it was obvious. I hadn't slept much in the last two days, afraid that she'd think I hadn't gotten the message or something. The dark circles under my eyes looked darker than the coffee I'd been drinking to try and wake up. I'd almost replied to her message, but I couldn't, I wouldn't let her be even more hurt on account of me.

"Hoseok! Come in, go sit down."

He looked concerned. "Yoongi, are you okay? I didn't think you liked her this much, you got her number back and all."

I shook my head mutely, and any trace of a smile disappeared from his lips. "Check our chat, Hoseok. On my phone."

-three minutes-

"We'll get her. I promise. His name was Jeoneo?" His lips were drawn into a thin line, his eyes looked angrier than I'd ever seen. 

This is why I'd called Hoseok. He didn't know her and yet... He'd fight. For anyone.

"Yes. But... How? I don't have an address, a way to contact her."

He lifted an eyebrow, waving his own phone. "I got it covered."

"But he might not be protective over just me!" I protested, eyes widening.

"That wasn't the idea."

He opened up chrome. "You said her name was Park Ji Seung, yes?"

I nodded.

"Well, there can't be too many 'Park Ji Seung's. Google tells you a lot. Including their email, phone number, social medias... Sometimes even address if they've put it out there, see?"


Hope to the rescue! 

Poor Yoongi, too stressed to think straight

He loves her. So much.

It gets there, I promise. But first, they suffer. Suffer much. Much much suffer.

Sorry :(

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