Chapter 4 - A Friend.

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Ruby Hood, Rose was sure that name sounded somewhat familiar, but she just couldn't put her finger on it. "You're Captain Hook's child then?" Ruby questioned still a tiny glint of fear gleaming in her chocolate coloured eyes, Rose really couldn't be bothered to explain the whole thing again about how she wasn't Hook's real daughter, so she just nodded. The girl sat back down her bed and Rose did the same, taking out some of the things she had packed away and putting them on her bed. Ruby got back up once more, moving as if with caution towards Rose. "You can use the chest of drawers of you would like? To put your clothes in and stuff," Rose looked up at her as Ruby tried her best to give the villain kid a smile and gestured towards a large chest of drawers that lay untouched by the foot of Rose's bed. She looked up at Ruby and gave her a weak smile of thanks before starting to put away some of her things, piling what books she had managed to stow away on the top of the chest along with a colourful seashell that Hook had found on the beach the day he found the little baby crying alone by the salty sea shore. "That's a beautiful shell," the voice of Ruby said behind her, she turned around to see her clutching a small, perfectly folded pile of Rose's clothes. "You can help me put everything away if you want? We'd get the job done faster," She smiled, before Rose could even finish her sentence, Ruby had stepped forward and started to help this strange new villain kid unpack her stuff, the glint of fear in her eyes getting increasingly smaller and smaller with each step she took.

It took them an hour in total to unpack all of the thing Rose had brought with her from the Isle. That makes it sound like she brought the whole of the Jolly Rodger over with her, she didn't. The reason it took so long was because the two girls started talking and ended up lying on the floor, rolling around in fits of laughter. The two girls were bonding. 

Rose remembered why the name Ruby Hood sounded familiar, she had read the story of Little Red Riding Hood  over and over and over again when she was younger, it was one of the first of the grubby books Hook had managed to come home with  from one of his quick collection voyages around the Isle. She had read that book cover to cover, she knew the story back to front, she could probably recite the whole thing in front of an audience if it came to that. She figured that, since she was going to a school for the children of fairytale characters, Ruby must be the daughter of Red Riding Hood. Rose and Ruby began talking as they unpacked because Ruby asked where Rose had acquired all of the books from, Rose had answered by simply saying that Hook found them on the Isle and then watched as Ruby picked up each of the copies and gasped, then going into detail telling Rose about how she had got her hands on 'vintage' or 'rare' copies of the books. Rose smiled, it seemed to her that she had found another book-lover. They talked about everything from books to family (Rose learnt that Ruby had an older brother called Hunter,) to the types of things that best friends would talk about together at sleepovers. If somebody had been watching in on all of this from the moment Rose first walked in the dorm room door up until the moment they collapsed down on the carpet and laughed, they would've smiled too because they would've known that they were in the presence of a new friendship being born.

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