Prologue - Finding a Rose.

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It had been a regular, evil, mundane day for Captain James Hook on the Isle. He had collected some payments, scared some children and stolen some candy from a baby, but he wasn't feeling it today. The sky was grey and it was cold, as it always was and always had been since the villains were trapped on the isle of the lost, so Captain Hook sat in what remained of his rotting wood office on his ship, the Jolly Rodger, and picked up the nearest book to him on his very small shelve of short books he had managed to scavenge away with him to the isle. He was sat peacefully, the words taking longer to process than they had done before, squinting at the pages because the one thing he had managed to forget to scavenge away with him was his eyeglasses, when he heard something, something unusual. Hook ignored the noice at first, but when the noise carried on, he closed the book he was reading and went to investigate, giving in to his curiosity.

As soon as he stepped onto the boarding plank and off his ship, it started pouring it down with rain, making his hair and the worn, dirty feather in his hat stick to his cold face. He searched around, the noise still carrying on, until the noise started getting louder and louder as he got closer to where the noise was coming from until it suddenly stopped. That's when Hook realised what the noise was as he looked down at a basket of blankets bundled together and a pair of large, round, green eyes staring back at him. The loud noise was then replaced by a small gurgling sound as the pair of eyes emerged and became a pair of arms and a torso, reaching up to the pirate stood above it. Hook looked up, this baby must belong to someone, someone might've just left the baby and was coming back, but when no one came and he could feel a storm brewing in the clouds up ahead, he looked down at the child laid peacefully in the basket, unaware of the situation that it was in, and he felt a bizarre fuzzy feeling growing in his chest and his features softened as his heart filled with speckles of love, he picked up the basket and took it on the ship with him, just until the storm passed, then he would figure out what to do.

When he had found the child, there had been a small book in the basket with her, he flipped through the book to find a note in the firts page just after the front cover, written in ink in some of the most beautiful handwriting Hook had ever laid eyes on:

Dear our little Rose,

Welcome to our story, you have already started to make it even more special. For all those years that you will inevitably ask us how we met, here is our story. It's all here for you to see, how we met and how we led up to having you and your brother. We hope that as you grow up and start writing your own story, you create one just as unintentionally incredible as ours is.

We love you with all our hearts,

Love from Mother and Father.

By the time the storm had passed, it was the morning, and Hook had grown attached to the baby, he had also even found a name for the child, she was to be called Rose, Rose Hook, and he would care for her like his own. But there was one thing he knew he couldn't do, he couldn't raise her as he had done his son Harry, who had left the ship at a very young age, he couldn't watch as another child turned against him like that. He would raise her as he thought would be right. That same day he was looking through the bundle of blankets and found something very unusual, a very thin, bandana like blanket, with what looked like a family crest on it, a crest of a beast and a rose...

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