Ink;Strong but Weak. Royal adviser

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I stood there in shock, (not that I showed it) as she stared into my eyes without even blinking. No one has ever been able to do that before. The seconds ticked on like years, and suddenly it was like we were having a staring contest. She must win a lot of staring contests.

"I can offer you more advice, but I think you'll be fine, Alice." I said, my eyes still locked on hers.

"How do you know my name? And why should I hide weaknesses?" She said, her eyes never leaving mine. Her eyes gave away the fact that she was confused and frustrated. Weakness number one.

"I have good hearing. If you want my help, let me know." I turned and walked out of the room, leaving her looking at me like, what the hell is he going on about? Oh well. I can only help so much.

The rest of school flashed by quickly, as if it couldn't wait to end too. The students started walking home with their friends, all of them buzzing with energy. I started on my own trek home.


I NEED your help guys! So what's Alice going to be afraid of? It can't be too wimpy, and it can't be something that doesn't happen very often! Post in comments please! If not, I won't be able to continue the story!!!

~Alice Invidie

Through the Eyes of a MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now