
3 1 0

August 4, 2017 2:16am
I'mma try to stay up tonight so I could finish watching the new season of Voltron and ahhhhhhhhhh- Keith stop being so "emo teenager that nobody understands" but I get it he lost Shiro who was like his only friend and I guess a father/ older brother figure "You're like a brother to me Shiro" and he loses him twice once from the failed Kerberos mission and now because of Zarkon and the final blow on him. Btw ShIRO HASNT APPEARED YET WTH - sorry and ahhhhhhhhhh- Lance gets another small Langst moment and- I should probably stop here so I won't "spoil" any of it "anymore"

Just random stuffTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon