Im so done

15 2 1

July 23, 2017 12:06pm
I'm so done with that fake bs that Idfc anymore. If you don't like me fine, no hard feelings but please tell it to my face instead of creating rumors or talking shît behind my back. I rather have you straight up and tell me that you don't like me instead of hiding behind a mask. Cuz Idc anymore 😒 I'm just so done with fake ppl. I rather have a person tell me that they don't like me than me having to find out about it later through either someone else or a very long time after. Just save me and you the time and be straight up blunt. Ughhhhhhh I feel emotionless and shitty rn. Anyways imma go be emo now and listen to P!ATD and vocaloid "Self Inflicted Achromatic" by Hatsune Miku. Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw.

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