New Voltron season????

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August 4, 2017 4:03am
Well what I can say is, aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh on episode 7 the last episode they tell the full story of the lions and how it all came to be and omg Zarkons past also Alfor and Haggar even. I'm shOOk, I want more episodes but there's only 7 but the good thing is that there is going to be a 4th season on October. And also ahhhhhh they had like 2-3 Langst scenes in this new season and I was like ah no pls my heart. Also in the beginning there was Keith angst and also Allura angst. But then at the end I was like ah Shiro no- is ok things will get better :,) so that's all I'm basically gonna say because I don't wanna spoil it for Eastern people who haven't seen it or for the Western people who already have had t out but haven't watched it cuz y'all asleep

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