Nathan pointed at him with his tongs. "Twat."

Simon looked at him, "it's what happens in flims. You turn into a werewolf, you kill someone and then wake up somewhere naked. Like a zoo."

"He's not a werewolf alright? This guy is such a p*ssy he needs my mum to help him open a jar. I'm sure if he was a werewolf he would be able to open a jar of peanut butter for himself!"

I rolled my eyes. "This was all before the storm, right? The storm probably did something to him too. Like Simon suggested, he could have turned into a werewolf. The possibilities are endless!"

He shrugged me off, "that's bollocks. What are the chances?" 

"A billion in a million," I deadpanned.

"I don't care, he is not, and I repeat not, a werewolf." He said pointing at me.

"Whatever," I uttered.

After we finished picking up random rubbish around town, we headed back down to the community centre to change back into our normal clothes, and where a group of old people were. We were supposed to be volunteers and help or assist any elder in need.

Old couples were dancing to some old people music. More like swaying slowly side to side. They were so old they could barely do anything, no offence to them or anything.

 "Help out, talk to them, make sure everyone is having a good time." Sally said to us all. We all stood there silently and still. "Move!"

I jumped, and walked over to and old man you looked to be asleep in a wheel chair. Well, he looked to be asleep. His chest didn't move to show he was breathing. "Is he dead?" I asked Nathan. "I think he's dead."

He shot me a look. Nathan crept closer to the old fella and put his mouth next to his ear. "She's stealing your pension!" He yelled. The old man jolted awake, and look around the place confused. "Oh no, he's fine." Nathan grinned at me. I scoffed and walked off, picking up a platter and started offering the people food.

"Thank you darling," one dear old woman thanked me after taking a croissant. I smiled in return and walked around more. I spotted Simon dancing awkwardly with another... large old woman with an uncomfortable look on his face. I laughed at him. Nathan was flirting with a young woman at the food table, who I'm guessing was a volunteer. I shook my head. He was a mansl*tly, and a proud one at that.


We were back in the locker rooms, getting our bags and tidying up ourselves. I sprayed some deoderant under my arms because it got a bit hot and stuffy out there and I didn't exactly want to walk around being smelly.

"Someone knows," Curtis spoke up. We all turned to him, which we found him holding a white piece of paper. It read 'I KNOW WHAT YOU DID.'  "Someone knows we killed our probation worker."

I pursed my lips, "technically, Kelly killed him," I said but then caught the look Kelly gave me, "or not." I put my hands up in surrender.

"Is this a wind up?" Kelly crossed her arms and looked at Nathan, "is this you?"

He scoffed at her and put his hand on his heart. "Ouch, if I was tryin' to wind yer up I think I would be a little more creative. Maybe something along the lines of 'I know what film you saw last summer'or some sh*t like that."

"This isn't funny!" Kelly said blantly.

"If I wanted to freak you out, I would've dug up the body and stuck that in your locker!" He retorted.

"If it wasn't him, who was it then?" Simon asked us.

"Well we've all done stuff. They could be talking about anything."

I nodded in agreement. "It was in your locker," I pointed out to Curtis.

"It was meant for all of us. They're talking about the probation worker."

I crossed my arms, "we don't know that though. It's like Nathan said, they could be talking about anything."

"Okay, okay. Lets just say that you are right," Nathan said to Curtis," "if they actually knew anything, they wouldn't be d*cking around and sticking notes on lockers. They would have gone to the police and we'd all be banged up in prison getting gang r*ped in the showers! But this," he pointed at the paper in Curtis' hand, "this means they have no evidence, no proof, nothing." He finished.

"And anyway, I'm guessing it's some other totally unrelated sh*t that you did! So if we're all done freaking out over nothing, there's somewhere I need to be." Nathan patted Curtis' shoulder and walked out.

"Please don't tell me you actually believe that prick," Curtis asked us. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well whoever did it is just trying to freak us out right?" Alisha said rubbing her arms.

"So we just act normal?" Kelly asked us.

Curtis sighed and scrumbled up the note and threw it back into his locker.


Later on in the I took Nessie down to the local park, and watched her as she struggled to get a good momentum of speed and rush.

 "Don't go too high, Ness!" I called out to her. She giggled in response. I shook my head and stood up from the picnic table, dusting off any dirt or crap that stuck to my clothes. I walked over to Nessie and grabbed the metal chains that held the swing bringing her fun to a stop. She pouted.

"Why did you do that?" She asked me as she laced her fingers through mine. I pointed up at the sky, where the clouds were slowly turning gray.

"It's going to rain soon and it's getting dark," I pointed out. She sighed unhappily and stared off into the trees beside us.

"Can we go for a quick walk before we leave?" She tugged on my hand with a cute little grin on her face. I smirked and sighed dramatically. "Fine."

I followed her into the trees. A soft whistling sound arose from the branches and leaves when the wind rushed through them. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the wind blowing through my hair and the cold tinge it was leaving on my nose and cheeks.

And then I heard my little sister scream.


So sorry for the late update! I didn't have internet or my computer for a couple of days, and I had some family problems I had to take care of.

What do you think happened? What's wrong with her sister? Any other thoughts on what her power could be? I'm revealing it in the next chapter!!! :D

Next Update: 7th of May. 8 votes and comments for earlier :)

~ SaskiaRose xxo

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