If I'm such a mess right now, it would have been torture if something more serious happened.

I'm no fling material. At all.

My gaze sweeps to the phone again.

Why would my ex call me?

After all this time...

Exhaling softly, I get up.

Men are too damn complicated.

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I'm an idiot

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I'm an idiot.

I froze.

I didn't know what to do.


I did know I wanted to kiss Kate and spend the night with her.

Not like this though. Not in Broome. Not when it could be seen like a fucking fling.

I'm definitely eating my words now.

"What happens in Broome, stays in Broome."

What the fuck was I thinking when I said that!

I pass a palm across my face.

Fucking hell.

Never in my life have I had to second-guess every fucking little detail. Never. Why do I want to be with Kate so much? Wouldn't it be easier to go out with any other girl but her? There are tons of them!

I lay in my bed and pass my arms behind my head as I think it through.

Yeah, there are many women out there but no one like her.

I've never met a woman with so much passion and fire within her. She's too honest and kind. But most of all, she's legit.

Her blue eyes sparkled as I told her about my climbing instructor dream. I don't think I've ever said that out loud. I thought she was going to laugh at me. Hell, I almost laughed at myself, because even though that would be amazing, I know too well that it's impossible for me.

But she didn't. She listened to me and she was genuinely excited as we both made silly plans on how different our lives could be if we both followed our dreams.

Bad Boy Prince (Royals #2)Where stories live. Discover now