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Ian endlessly tapped on the counter he leaned against with anticipation. Anxiety pulsed through every vein in his body, as he pulled himself into a heavy concentration on the phone he held in his other hand. He let out a long breath as he pressed the green, call button.

Slowly pulling the phone to his ear, he stopped tapping on the counter to put all of his attention towards the dial tone. His teeth dug into his lower lip, as he realized that he hadn't planned out what he was going to say - what he was going to ask. He debated on hanging up immediately, but decided against it. He knew that, if he didn't do it now, he never would. He wouldn't be able to bring himself to it ever again.

"We're sorry, this number is -" The monotone female voice spoke back at him. He angrily slammed the phone onto the counter once again.

"Fuck!" He screamed, piercing his own ears with the shriek. He immediately regret it, knowing he wasn't the only one in the house.

"Daddy?" A small, feminine, squeak of a voice grabbed his attention. He looked over at the stairs, seeing the red headed little girl once again. Every time, since she arrived, just hours ago, he couldn't help but see himself in her features. The iconic red hair that fell below her shoulders. Her green eyes that sparkled like his used to. He felt a strange feeling of nostalgia whenever he saw her face; like he was younger again, looking back in the mirror. His attitude changed quickly, from anger to guilt - wondering how much she had witnessed.

"I'll be upstairs in a minute." The words fell from his lips, as he noticed the slightly worried face she expressed. He trembled on his speech, making his lower lip quiver, just a little bit. The little girl just nodded slightly, as she slowly turned back and raced up the stairs again.

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