Chapter 10

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Someone bangs on my door and i don't need to look at the clock to know that's its an ungodly hour. I get up and open the door, competely frazzled and tired. Tobias stands in the doorway with 2 guns while the rest of Dauntless marched by him.

"What-?" I start to ask.

"Take this and play along. Whatever you do, don't give yourself away." He whispers harshly,handing me my gun.

I nod and slip on my combat boots then grab my sweater. Slipping it on, i walk out and join the my fellow Dauntless in the direction that we're going.

Everyone's eyes stare straight ahead. They don't blink. They march in unison. Tris is beside me and her eyes dart around trying to reason with what's happening. I grip her hand and squeeze, letting her know she's not alone. I hear her breath out faintly with relief.

Tris and i march in time with the rest of Dauntless and as we pass Erik, he pulls me out. I drop my gun as he leads me away. Don't panic Tris, just do what they do until you find Tobias. I think to myself. Erik leads me away, off the path and we get onto a different train.

"What's going on?!" I shove him off me.

"Jeanine is in charge now." The smirk on his face drives my crazy.

I take a step back. "They're in a simulation."

"Yes. All except, the Divergent." Erik explains.

"Your driving them out?" I ask.

"This is the only way." He says.

"No! Erik you're killing innocent people and i know that wherever we're going, innocent lives will be lost as well!" I shout.

Erik swings to punch me but i grab his fist and kick him in the stomach. My arms and fists instantly go into defensive mode.

"Erik this is wrong and you know it."

Its like he doesn't even hear me. His foot comes at my face and i roll out of the way. He smirks and the insane feeling of wanting to toss him out of the train strangles me.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Where all of the Divergent are hiding." Erik replies.

"They're hiding everywhere Erik."

"But most in abnegation."

I look outside and see a roof coming up. I take a few steps back the charge at Erik, throwing us both off the train and onto the roof. Erik gets the upper hand and in the face. I see dots everywhere at first. But i don't let his fist hit me again. I use all my force to kick his 160 pound body over mine and quickly stand.

I wipe blood away from my nose and Erik stands.

"You can't stop her. I'm telling you all this so you can join us." Eriks voice has desperation.

I smile and take out his gun from.behind my back. My mother always says i had a gift for taking things without anyone knowing.

I point the gun at Erik and turn to see another train coming. This one should hold all my Dauntless friends. I shoot Eriks leg and he crumples to the ground screaming. I wipe the rest of my blood and sweat off me, then jump onto the train easily. I come up beside Tobias and thank the heavens its not anyone else. He slips a second gun into my back pocket and i nod slightly. 3 of us. That should be enough for now.

We all get off the train about 5 minutes later, in abnegation.

"My family." Tris whispers.

"We'll get them but only when i say so." I whisper back.

Tris doesn't reply but i know she's agreed. Once Dauntless has broken up into groups, Tris, Tobias and i do the same. Tris leads us to her home and we step inside quickly. I reload my gun as Tris looks around.

"Where would we need to go to find Jeanine?" I ask Tobias.

"Where she's controlling Dauntless from. Our headquarters." He replies.

I nod and Tris comes back.

"They're gone." She says.

"Alright, we need to get back to Dauntless so we'll try to find them on our way." I walk out the back door as Jeanine comes around.

"Anything?" She says.

I stare straight ahead, forcing myself to keep my breathing even. Jeanine sighs and Tobias and Tris break character. I bite my tongue forcing myself not to.lash out. Jeanine takes Tobias and orders for Tris to be killed. Great. I turn around to go get her but then Uriah stops me.

His eyes show me he's simulated. But he's Divergent. He may have been hit with a stronger dose. Or an extra one for some reason. His gun comes up and the last thing i remember is being hit hard and then everything goes black.

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