Chapter 18

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Maddie's POV:

All we've been doing is waiting for the doctor to tell us some news, but she is still in surgery. Mom was crying on to dad as he was trying to calm her down and was also trying to be strong himself. Dallas was also here silently crying. I was just sitting here motionless.

The doctor finally came back "DeLaGarza family." He said.

"That's us" My parents said standing up.

He went and talked to them for what seemed like forever until they finally came back.

"She will be fine, just really sore. We can go see her now." Mom said leading the way.

We walked in, and Demi was fast asleep. I looked at her body and even after a car accident she could never fail to look good. As for me, I always look like a train wreck. I sighed. Now was not the time to be starting this.

I sat down next to Dallas. About an hour later we heard Demi waking up.

"Hey baby girl. How are you feeling?" Mom asked her.

"It hurts!" She said, starting to cry.

Moments after, I was lost in my own little world. I thought about everything that had happened; things no one knows. Not even you.... Although I'm really afraid that someone will find out. But maybe they will be too busy with Demi now. I hope...

Demi's POV:

I woke up feeling terrible. My whole body ached.

"Hey baby girl how are you feeling?" Mom asked me.

"It hurts" I said, crying.

I was in so much pain. I instantly thought about what it would be like if I was still addicted to drugs. What if I was the one who was drinking and driving? I sighed. I shouldn't be thinking about my past right now.

"So Miss Lovato, I hear you're in quite some pain there?" The doctor asked. I just nodded.

"Alright then, I'm going to have you take two of these while I go and get the release papers." He said, handing me some pills.

I took the pills from him and swallowed them. He came back with papers and said I was fine, other then I would be in a lot of pain.

We finally arrived home and Eddie was carrying me inside. He brought me up to my old bedroom. Mom and dad left to go and get some of my things since I can't be left alone at my house.

I looked through my door and saw something I couldn't believe. Was Maddie wearing a baby bump to make herself look healthier? More importantly, did she actually go to rehab?

Maddie's POV:

Demi has been watching over me like a hawk lately and it's annoying the hell out of me. I swear. Every second I catch her staring at me.

The bullying at school has been worse than my parents thought since I 'went to rehab.' I was fine to go back. Since I didn't want them finding out the truth, I went along with it.

"Baby girl why aren't you eating?" Demi asked.

"I'm just not hungry." I lied sprinting up to my room.

I look down at the bag. The urge to run away and kill myself now was calling my name, but instead I went and cut. I knew it was too early for me to do it. They would find me. I can't let that happen...

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