Chapter 15

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Demi's POV:

2 months later

Things have been going really bad lately. I'm pushing everyone away because I can’t take any of their stupid questions. Those stupid pictures of me crying are everywhere. I'm really happy that Maddie is coming home in a month though. I'm really excited!

"Demi it’s sound check time." My mom said. I didn't even realize that I had been zoned out for a long time. I quickly ran out on stage for my sound check.

"How's everybody doing tonight?" I asked while putting on a fake smile. They all cheered.

When I was done, I ran off stage. I went and sat in my dressing room.

"You did great baby girl" Mom and dad complimented.

"Thanks" I said, and smiled.

"Baby should eat before your show." Mom said.

"No thanks I'm not hungry." I lied.

"Demi, you wouldn't eat before so you have to eat." Dad warned. I just groaned and got up. I walked out and got some fresh air.

I walked, and walked until I realized how late it had gotten and how tired my legs were. I haven't gone far, since I'm really weak because I don't really eat. All I could see was fat. I sighed and got up from the park bench. As I was walking back I heard my phone beep. I had 20 missed calls from mom and dad even text messages. Even Dallas and Nick were trying to contact me. I sighed and made my way back.

I walked in only to be greeted by a bunch of angry, yet worried people. I pushed my way through them and went into my dressing room

"Demetria!" My mom said snapping me out of my trance.

"What?" I spat rather rudely.

"Knock off the attitude fist of all and second, where the hell did you go?" She asked.

"For a walk. Now lay off!" I said annoyed and looked back down at my phone.

"Next time tell someone. You can't go out alone like that." Mom said.

"First of all I can. I don't need Max 24/7. I'm fucking 21 years old. I’m not two thank you very much!" I spat before leaving to go to my meet and greet.

I did the usual fake smiling and poses and all that shit. After that was over I watched Fifth Harmony and Little Mix perform. When it was my time I ran out onstage and sang. The concert was finally over. I said goodnight and ran off stage. I went on the bus, showered and changed. When I was done my parents came on;

"Demi-" I cut them off.

"Look I'm really sorry about before I shouldn't have acted that way." I said.

"It’s okay. We know Madison leaving is mostly the reason you are acting this way. We know this has been really hard on you." They said and hugged me.

"Yeah, well I'm gonna go to bed." I said and hugged them again.

"Goodnight baby girl. We love you." They said.

"Goodnight. I love you to." I replied.

The next morning....

I woke up feeling really good. For the first time in a long time I actually had a good night’s sleep. I stretched and then got up. I then greeted my parents.

"Good morning mom and dad." I said.

"Good morning sweetie." They both said.

"Demi can we please talk?" Mom asked me.

"Sure" I said with little emotion.

"Look, we know Maddie being away has been really hard on you and we really want to make sure that you’re okay. You barely eat anymore and day by day we’ve noticeed more and more scars." Dad said.

"I'm f-ii-ne!" I choke out. They can't know I'm crying

"Baby girl come here." Mom said pulling me onto her lap.

"Sssh she’ll be okay. I promise. She's in there to get better." I said.

"I know but she's in there because of me. SHE'S IN THERE BECAUSE OF ME!" I said loosing it.

"Calm down it’s going to be alright she will come out stronger and healthier. None of this is your fault. It’s all the bullies’ fault, okay?" Dad said. For the first time in a long time I knew she was going to be okay and that it wasn't my fault.

A/N- Comment pleaseee?????

Also I have a new written story up that is the remake of this book. It's called Nightingale so check it out!!!!

This story is so awful omg lmfaoooo.....

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