Step 3

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As time went by things were going smoothly except for the fact that Suga would scold me. He's the only person who's ever spoken to me in such a manor. Although, I talked back and we argued he always won. I hated that. But the important thing was our relationship is believable and he shows his affection when others are around. All the girls wanted him even though so many rumors went around that I was paying him to do all this. Yes it's true but I wasn't going to croak and neither was he. After all I am paying him 2,000 a week. Since for now everything is just the basics, hmm, what if I try more drastic measures? Maybe have him put his hand in my back pocket while we walk or maybe give him a kiss on the cheek when he drops me off to class? Or maybe be playful with him? Ew, what am I thinking? That's gross. I'd never do that with the likes of him...but I will do what's necessary for them to believe he's actually mine.

Tiffany: Hey Marie.

"Hey Tiff." I said.

Tiffany: So you and it real?

"Of course it is. But you know commoners they take things really slow." I said.

Tiffany: So you like him? Like you're actually in love with a commoner? Does your dad know?

"No, I haven't seen him. Love?" I asked.

Tiffany: yeah, you know. L-O-VE.

"As if. I only love me, myself and I" I said.

Tiffany: so you're using him?

"No, I never said that but I don't love him" I said.

Tiffany: Like then?

She asks too many questions. Of course I have to like him, well, pretend to anyway.

"Yeah, I do. I wouldn't be with him if I didn't..." I said.

Tiffany: I think you'll fall in love soon. You guys look good together.

She's insane! I'd never love that idiot, he's so annoying and cocky!

"Heh. Yeaaahh...maybe" I said.

Tiffany: You know, Dylan seems pretty determined to see you guys slip. He really doesn't like you Marie.

I shrugged. "I could care less. He's just mad I chose Suga over him."

Tiffany: Yeah I think the same. So where'd Suga take you on the first date? He seems like a romantic kind of guy.

More like annoying, stupid and full of himself. Although..

"Date? We haven't been on any dates..." I though out loud.

Tiffany: What?! That's a no no! You have to! Ohh lets make it a double date!

My eyes widened. "What!"

Tiffany: You said you haven't been on a date yet right?


Tiffany: I got everything covered. Just go get ready, hurry up.

I sighed. Wonder how this will go, no use stopping her now. She's already got the initiative.

"Stella!" I called

Stella: Yes?

"Umm, I know I never ask this...but uh...what should I wear for my date?" I asked a bit embarrassed.

She was surprised.

"I mean you don't have too. I just-"

Stella: Are you going with Master Suga?

"I-I...well, Tiffany said...I..."

She chuckled.

I blushed. "It's not like it means anything! It's just a date, who cares what I wear right? It's just a stupid date. It means nothing, I was just acting...pretending to care. You can go now, heh."

Pretend Boyfriend (Suga BTS)Where stories live. Discover now