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after school, i sat in the treehouse, for some reason still waiting for brendon.

i don't know why.

he didn't come to school, so he probably wasn't coming.

but then, i heard something.

someone was coming.

i heard the ladder shake as i saw a head pop up.

it was brendon.

once he was inside, i hugged him. i missed him being here. it sucked being alone after you've made a friend.

"im sorry for not coming. we went to my uncle's for the weekend, and it stretched into monday and the school day today. we just came back fifteen minutes ago," he said.

"did you have fun?" i asked.

"yeah, i did. i went to six flags," he said.

"that's fun. all weekend i just sat in here," i said.

"does your family ever worry about you?" brendon asked.

"i don't think they know i exist. they don't pay any attention to me. in fact, i don't think they remember having a son," i said.

my family was focused on my sisters because they were golden kids.

i was forgotten.

but that's fine.

i have brendon now.

treehouse // ryden // completedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin