28: You're Making Me A Crazy Chick

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Quinn tapped her pen restlessly against her knee as they watched television in Finn's bedroom.

She'd come over after school to hang out and do homework in the hope it would relax her and help her forget her infuriating day but so far being there was only making her more on edge than ever.

It might have had something to do with the shark attack show they were watching. It was gross and violent and for some reason all of the baby seals that were getting snapped up seemed to have Rachel's face.

And Great White Shark, Quinn decided, was not a good look on her, even if she could appreciate the deadly personality somewhat. She didn't want to tear Rachel apart any more though, no matter how much easier it would make her life if she did.

She sighed noisily, snapping her history book closed as she turned impatiently away from the TV.

"Are you okay? You've been touchy ever since you got here. Do you feel sick? Do you want me to make you a sandwich or something?"

"I'm fine. Can we just watch something else? This is disgusting."

"It's good, like nature and stuff, and anyway it's nearly over."


"Fine!" He stabbed the remote, turning the set off completely.

"You could have just changed the channel."

He shrugged. "I thought you wanted to do homework anyway. We should probably get started. There won't be any point in using Rachel to get a scholarship to college if I can't even pass tenth grade."

"I wasn't using her!"

Finn sat back in surprise. "I . . . I didn't mean it like that. I just meant, like, taking advantage of how much stronger we are as a team and stuff when she's a part of Glee. Not using her as a person."

"Is that any better?"

Finn looked suitably confused. "Are you feeling bad about something to do with Rachel?"

"Of course not! I just . . ." She shook her head. ". . . I hate that we have to rely on Manhands for anything. It's degrading."

"But if it's for our baby . . .?" he shrugged helplessly.

He was trying, it wasn't his fault he was no good at giving her the answers she needed right now. She didn't know how to get the answers she needed. Maybe some questions were better left unasked.

"Finn, have you really stopped to think about this?"

"Are you kidding me? I don't think about anything else! I'm going to be a father. I don't know how to be a Dad! It's not like I ever had one around to teach me. So sure I've been thinking about it, it's like I'm always thinking about it – well nearly always, sometimes I have to think about normal guy things, like burgers and football and, I don't know, your boobs and stuff . . ." Catching sight of her expression he stumbled over his next few words before rushing on. "A-and I, uh, I got it all figured out now, I think. So, like, first we win Sectionals, then we win Regionals and then we go on to kill at Nationals, because you might now like Rachel much but she is that good and she makes me better just being with her . . ."

Quinn was nodding thoughtfully, personalizing his words, and only recognized his slip-up when he made his correction.

". . . I mean us; she makes us better, New Directions." He looked shifty for a moment before getting back on topic. "Miss Pillsbury said winning Nationals should be enough to guarantee me a scholarship and then I can get a decent job and we'll – me, you and baby – we'll be okay."

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