2: Good for an hour, then shit got sour

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A/N: Should have mentioned this in the original author notes but:

Pairings: Quinn/Rachel overall, but all canon pairings will be included to a greater or lesser degree and there'll be one of my own devising too to keep things interesting.


It was the baby's fault, stealing nutrients and vitamins from her and making her weak, that was why her knees felt wobbly all of a sudden and she had to lean a hand on the slick tiles beside Rachel Berry's shoulder to keep her balance. The chill under her palm brought her back a little focus, that was good. She needed focus because she should be saying something right now, some sharp retort that would strip Berry's voice of that maddening self-satisfied tone.

"Scared of permanently damaging my eyesight. Those outfits you inflict on us are detrimental enough without ever having to see what's beneath them."

"You're the one who wanted to look!"

"I was teasing you, you freak! I didn't mean for you to actually flash me; who does that?"

"My eyes are down here, Quinn."

She laughed out of nowhere because, oh God, if she didn't she'd cry or something instead. "Yeah, your eyes and everything else. My eyes like it up here just fine, thanks."

But why was she still staring at the white tile an inch above Berry's head? Why was she still standing here at all? With a shake of her head she was about to push off of the wall and go back to her shower.

"It's okay to be curious, Quinn."

Okay, so moving was out for another minute. "Curious about . . . what, exactly?"

Had she really just asked that?

"Of other girls. It's perfectly natural, with our burgeoning sexualities and changing bodies, to be curious and to want to engage in comparing and contrasting our own development against theirs. Personally I find myself fascinated with boobs right now; I think it's because I never had a chance to bond with a pair in my formative years that has me so intrigued now. What do you think?"

"How should . . .?" Quinn glanced down as she was answering, and then she looked back up again really fast!

Oh God, Rachel Berry was staring at her breasts. She wasn't making a move to touch them and she wasn't leering at them or anything either, but she was showing unmistakable interest in her breasts! She'd pinch herself and wake up from this nightmare if she could actually move right now. Only her heart still had that capability apparently, and it was making up for the rest of her by beating twice as fast as usual.

"Well?" Berry was impatient for an answer.

"I, uh . . ." Get it together! "I honestly can't tell if this is you coming on to me right now or if you actually think this is normal social behaviour."

"Neither actually. Even if I had any such interest in you I would never be foolish enough to think this was the opportune time to inform you of it. And of course this isn't normal social behaviour, we're teenaged girls and you mentioned yourself the rules that govern the occasions that require our nudity. 'Don't ask, don't tell!'"

Quinn frowned. "I thought that was for the military."

"It is, but I think it works much better in our situation, don't you?"

"I really don't have any idea what you're talking about."

And she was starting to get cold; the showers had stopped running and the steamy humidity was dissipating and this conversation was getting too confusing to keep up the effect it had originally, whatever that had been. Best not to think about it and just move on with her day.

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