18: Something's Bound To Begin.

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Monday was a rude awakening for Rachel. She couldn't stay in Glee club anymore, not with the way she was being treated!

She could handle not being liked, but to have her talent so disrespected . . . No, it wasn't acceptable.

So she left, knowing that having the lead role in the school musical would be much more rewarding and ultimately better for her future plans.

She hardly thought of Quinn all day because of the uproar in her mind, and when she did think of her she could only imagine that Quinn would be secretly thankful not be faced with her presence every afternoon.

Quinn spent Monday purposely avoiding Berry; it was easier than she expected it to be.

She'd seen her at her locker before lunch, but Rachel hadn't even looked up as she walked past. She'd seen her again in Biology, but their desks might as well have been miles apart and the other girl never once tried to make eye-contact.

She was starting to feel like she'd done something wrong.

At least she'd be able to force some interaction with her in Glee club; even if she had to do it under the guise of antagonizing her.

That proved fruitless too because Rachel had left. Rachel had quit Glee! Where was she when that decision had been made?

Quinn heard something about a school musical and how Berry's talents hadn't been appreciated enough but she wasn't really listening. She knew Rachel had quit over her, because of what had happened Friday night, and she was torn between blaming herself and being mad at Rachel for over-reacting. Hadn't she said she was okay about the kiss? Or had Rachel remembered the truth and was angry at Quinn for lying?

Either way, by the end of the session she was pissed, both at Rachel and herself.

Tuesday morning, Berry wasn't in American Literature.

Quinn made several huffy noises and glared at the empty chair next to her too many times to be considered normal, convinced now that the girl was totally avoiding her.

Well, good! Berry should avoid her! Because Quinn hated her and was definitely going to kick her ass the next time they crossed paths – you know, if that ever happened again.

She only found out, in fourth period from Tina, that Rachel had been at a Career's Advisor meeting first period and therefore excused from the lesson.

That didn't mean she wasn't still trying to avoid her though!

"Can I talk to you?"

Surprised, Quinn looked up at her boyfriend wondering why he sounded nervous. "Of course."

Finn shuffled awkwardly from foot to foot, waiting beside her locker until she was done.

When she was he sort of herded her to the nearest alcove and sat down, gesturing for her to do the same.

She did. "What's up?"

"I talked to Miss Pillsbury today."


"Well, she didn't say it, exactly, but she kind of implied that with the baby and all, I need to get a scholarship."

"You told her I'm pregnant?" Quinn snapped, looking around, expecting to see her poking her ginger head through the door.

"No! I haven't told anybody! She just seemed to know, you know? Anyway, she had a point. If I'm going to support us I need to go to college to get a decent job, and as much as I'd like to get a football scholarship, our team sucks! Miss Pillsbury said I might be able to get a music scholarship though," he shrugged endearingly. "If New Directions does okay at Regionals."

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