23: Every Rule I Had You Breakin'.

Start from the beginning

So she was pleasantly surprised – and very grateful because her remaining handkerchief was already used up – to walk into first period history and see the box sitting on the edge of Rachel's desk.

She murmured a thanks as she palmed the long box and held it against her thigh. Rachel nodded and Quinn wished she could point out she'd missed some of the glitter under her ear, but that would be helping the enemy and Santana was already sitting at their shared desk at the back.

"Homecoming nominations are today," Santana reminded her once the lesson was underway.

This semester was all about World War Two, which Quinn had zero interest in, so she had no problem focusing on Santana instead of the lesson.

"Yeah. I don't know why they waited this long. Only giving us a week to campaign for votes is insane."

"You sound pretty sure you're going to be nominated."

"Why wouldn't I be?"

Santana shrugged, "Do you have your dress yet? If not, me and Britts are going shopping tomorrow."

"My mom's taking me tomorrow; you know what she's like. If I don't get her input it'll be wrong."

That wasn't completely true, not about her mom needing to choose her dress for her, that was always true. Quinn's dress sense when she was younger had been hit and miss and now she actually had the figure to pull of expensive party gowns, her mom refused to let her screw it up. The lie was that her mom didn't know she was taking her tomorrow because Quinn hadn't mentioned it yet, terrified her body was suddenly going to grow a baby bump over night and it would be impossible to hide from her mom while changing in and out of various dresses.

Even Homecoming itself seemed like more hassle than it was worth right now. She had so much other stuff going on! It wasn't that she didn't want to be Homecoming Queen, of course she did, it was just further down her list of priorities than it would have been a month ago.

The idea of battling against the likes of Santana for votes . . . their election campaigns wouldn't turn negative, they would start negative, and Quinn had so much more to hide – breaking her celibacy vows, the pregnancy, Puck's involvement in both and that other thing, the . . . the Rachel thing.

If any of the Cheerios running for Homecoming Queen got wind of any of these things, they would be used against her. She just about trusted Santana not to reveal her sexual mistakes for personal gain because despite their rivalry they were friends and even Santana had lines she wouldn't cross. Of course, if she got wind of the fact Puck was the father . . . Quinn couldn't be sure, but it might override their friendship just a little, and as for the . . . the Rachel thing, well, she didn't entirely know how Santana would use knowledge like that. If she had any sense she'd sit on it until something even bigger than homecoming queen was at stake – not that she was going to offer her friend any tips on how to get the better of her.

Anyone else catching on to any such revelations however, especially a Cheerio hungry for power and eager to boost her reputation, wouldn't think twice and it would travel around the school faster than the speed of light.

Quinn was smart, and she knew just enough about politics from watching political talk shows with her daddy to know it was impossible to keep your skeletons in the closet while running for public office – and that went double for ga . . . for certain personal matters that were nobody's business but her own and she'd like to keep it that way forever, thank you very much.

She couldn't not run though, that would create suspicions that could be just as damaging in the long run.

But what was worse?

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