"Oh, god. I'm sorry, Luke. For making you tell me, I just- I didn't und- I'm-" I say, stumbling over my words, not finding the right thing to say. I'm not good with people when they break into tears in front of me. I just don't know what to do. So, I do what I do best/love. I wrap my arms around him pulling him into a hug.

"You don't need to say sorry. I'm glad you did get me to tell you, it's nice to finally tell someone." Luke says, wrapping his arms around my waist, them slipping down onto my hips. I grab his hands, moving them back up onto my waist.

"I'm glad you can open up to me though, it means a lot; you being able to trust me. Is this why you and Shane have never really gotten along? Because of something you both couldn't control?" I ask, pulling out our hug, looking into his blue eyes. He picks up the hem of his shirt, and wipes away his fallen tears, his tanned skin showing. He drops his shirt, and fiddles with his fingers again. It's quite a habit of his, isn't it? That, and his 'running his hand through his hair' thing. I like his cute little habits.

"It's good to trust someone, but I don't trust you for no reason, and you know exactly which reason that is, well you should. I don't want to repeat those three words.  And yeah, my Mum and his Mum talked it through, because we both had fights at school and stuff, all because he's blaming me for his father being paralyzed, because my Dad nearly killed his Dad, and himself and stuff. It's really stupid. I've apologized to him, even though I didn't need to because my father was drinking when the accident happened, so therefore it was my fathers fault, and I kinda felt bad; but I know I shouldn't." Luke says, sucking in deep breath. He wipes his eyes again before running the other hand through his blonde hair. He looks over at me, briefly and smirks.

He trusts me, all because he loves me? I know this is mean, but I've been trying to ignore the fact he loves me. I know what happened with Shane and I won't happen between Luke and I, but I guess I'm not quite ready yet, and also, I don't see Luke as anything more than a friend. I don't want to ruin this new friendship we've just built, I don't want to tear it down and be left with what we started with, you know? Yeah, I find Luke attractive, and I think he is just…such a beautiful person, but I just can't- I- I just don't feel the same way about him, as he feels about me. I love him, as a friend, nothing more.

I'm still trying to take in the fact, he loves me. It's just a little hard. Ignoring it, is the way I've dealt with it, but I know it's not actually dealt with. I'm just going to hurt him if I keep ignoring his love for me. Hurting Luke is like…hurting a baby penguin…hehe. Penguin. Why am I being so ser- wait. Why so serious? You know, Batman.  I don't like being serious, life is too short, you need to live it up. Yeah you need to be serious at times, but I don't want too. Because- I want to go to Neverland, and forever stay this age, I want to be a teen forever, I don't want to grow up and become all serious, but that's life. Wow, I get off topic easy.

"I'm confusing you, aren't I?" He asks, smiling showing those dimples.

"Not really. I understand, you apologized for something you didn't need to apologize for since it wasn't your fault, all to stop the fights and stuff, yeah?" I ask, grabbing my long blonde waves, and gathering it into a ponytail, turning it into a loose bun.

"Pretty much. Anyway, let's forget about this. I don't want to think about it all." Luke says, shuffling on the seat, a bit before sniffing.

"Okay. So, what do you want to do? Want to play dolls again?" I say, giggling afterwards.

"No. Never, ever, ever, ever again. That was awful. No, just no." Luke says, laughing afterwards. I laugh with him, thinking about what happened.

"Well we- Are you into horror movies?" I ask Luke. I'm a huge horror movie fan, I've watched so many, The Conjuring, Jaws (which wasn't scary at all) I Know What You Did Last Summer, I Know How Many Runs You Scored Last Summer, The Hills With Eyes, The Ring 1 & 2, Paranormal Activity, The Mist, 28 Days Later, Saw, I just love horror, as well as Romance and Disney. I like those three movie genres a ton. I also like a lot of music genres, I guess I'm an everything person. 

Comfortable Silence || Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now