The Forgotten // C2

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"I will permanently love you, forever & always" - Unknown

Amberle's POV:

"Babe...what are you talking about? It's me Zach..." Zach started with tears forming in his eyes.

"Look dude, I'm sorry but I don't know who you are" Penelope stated.


"How do you know my name?" Penelope asked starting to get angry.

"It's me...remember-" Zach started but I immediately ran up to him and covered his mouth.

I brought him back over to the door, "Zach, don't try to make her remember...".

"Why not?" he asked.

"If you try to make her remember it could provoke violent or suicidal behavior and it could also cause her to retreat into a future dissociative state" I stated in an urgent tone.

"She's not wrong", Dr. Johnson stated, "how do you know this?"

"I watch a lot of doctor shows" I stated in confidence.

"That's my girl" Daniel stated as he smiled at me.

"Amberle!" I heard Penelope cry.

I immediately turned around...

"Amberle! Come here!" she cried out.

I awkwardly walked over to Penelope, "hey there, you remember me?"

"How could I not? We're best friends" Penelope said with sass.

I pulled Penelope into a hug, "I'm glad you're okay"

"Okay?!? My hair is gone!" Penelope cried out.

"Uh I still think you're gorgeous" Zach chimed in.

"Ew, who's the creep?" Penelope stated.

"He's a very close person to you" I replied.

"I can't seem to remember him" Penelope stated as she started to get angry with herself.

"It's okay...don't strain yourself" I reassured.

"Amberle if you could step over here please, I'd like to explain to you Penelope's situation" Dr. Johnson stated.

"Of course...I'll be right back" I stated.

I walked over to Dr. Johnson and he started to explain Penelope's situation.

"So Penelope suffered from what we call a depressed fracture", Dr. Johnson started, "that basically means that part of her skull suck inwards towards the brain, through surgical intervention we were able to correct the deformity and she should heal properly in several weeks. However, as you've seen Penelope also suffers from traumatic amnesia...this amnesia is more temporary however due to the severity of her injury it could be awhile before she regains her memory. Do you have any questions?"

"Yeah, how come she only remembers some people but not all?" Zach asked partly furious.

"That's completely chance...I don't know why she doesn't remember you but she happens to remember Amberle" Dr. Johnson stated.

I saw fury rage within Zach, this must be really hard for him.

"Zach..." I started but he just ran out the door.

"Daniel!" Penelope called.

"You remember me?" Daniel stated shocked.

"Of course! You're Amberle's boyfriend...she loves you a lot" Penelope stated.

Forever & Always // Daniel SeaveyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang