Forever & Always // C25

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"I promise I won't leave you, even if it's the last thing I do" - Daniel Seavey, White Lies

*Two months later*

Amberle's POV:

I came out of my closet for about the tenth time but this time I changed into a white lace off-the-shoulder long sleeve dress.

"Does this look good?" I asked as I walked over to the full body mirror in my room.

Daniel was already in his tux just waiting for me to finish getting ready. I already spent an hour doing a weird braid updo and he eventually got tired of waiting so he was sprawled across my bed and texting someone when I asked him my question.

"I think it would look better on my bedroom floor" he said as he sat up and started to approach me.

As if I haven't heard that one already, "Daniel! I'm being serious! This is a very important party" I claimed as he came up behind me and wrapped his hands around my stomach and rested his head against my shoulder.

"Amber, calm down, you look you do in everything" he said as he kissed my cheek.

I let out a sigh of relief, "thanks, I guess I'll go with this one then" I stated.

"Perfect" he said as he turned my body around to face him before he kissed me. "Now come on, let's go downstairs before all the best appetizers are gone."

He took my hand as we walked downstairs to the extravagant party. The Why Don't We boys were hosting a Christmas party for their family and friends. What they didn't know was that the Why Don't We boys were also officially announcing their world tour tonight. Once we were at the bottom of the staircase, I started to feel my anxiety acting up and my PTSD. I started to get nervous and thoughts started to fly through my mind before Penelope interrupted me.

"Took you long enough" Penelope said as a waiter handed me sparkling was the closest thing to champagne since we were underage.

"I was debating what I was going to wear" I said, ignoring the nausea I started to feel as Daniel walked off to meet up with the boys. Penelope was wearing a two-piece dark blue dress with simple white heels.

"Clearly all that time didn't go to waste, you look wonderful" she said as she looked up and down at my outfit.

"Thanks, so do you" she replied as Christina joyfully took a glass of cider and joined our conversation. Christina was wearing something that looked very professional but still cute, it was a short sleeve, black on top and beige on bottom dress with a leg slit, black heels and dazzling earrings.

"Hey guys, Merry Christmas" Christina said as she gave Penelope and I hugs.

"Merry Christmas to you too" I said as I saw Corbyn, Zach, and Daniel turn around at the same time and stare at us.

Penelope waved, Christina blew a kiss, and I winked as I took a sip of my cider. Personally, I enjoyed sparkling apple cider very much.

"There are so many people here" I said as I looked around to the house filled with around 40-50 people all standing in clusters. My breathing started to become uneven and my heart started to race, why was this happening right now? My anxiety resulting from my PTSD hasn't acted up in ages so why now?

"Don't worry, you'll be fine" Christina said as she put a reassuring hand on my arm.

"Eventually you'll get used to these don't sweat it if you're nervous" Penelope stated as she looked around.

"It's just...I've never been a party with Daniel's family and friends. I know I've hurt him before so I'm scared they'll judge me" I admitted.

"I've met pretty much all of them and I'd say they keep open minds, just make a good impression on them" Christina mentioned.

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