Not an update, just a question...

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Hi! Okay so, I update this story this morning so if you haven't seen it, scroll up now! However, I've kinda been on a roll and have 5 chapter (that haven't been posted yet) finished and I'm think if I should post more or wait.. What do you guys think? 

And I know some of you might be like, "Um.. That's a dumb question. Of course we want more!"

But hear me out. If I post more now, then it'll take me a while to post new chapters... If we wait it out, that gives me time to keep writing and if I don't have time to write then I'll still be able to post the chapters on their due dates (for those who don't know I post on Wednesdays and Saturday nights)

It's just such a tough decision for me to make because... Ugh can't tell you why but I really wanna post.. But then I don't wanna run outta chapters and then be all slow again...

So I'm reaching out to you all lol.. What should I do?

Thanks! Jae :)

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