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Lance ran into a hospital, holding onto Keith's near lifeless body tightly.

"Help!" He yelled "God, help!!" He yelled once more gaining a female doctors attention.

She ran to them. quickly, Lance pulled out his agency badge and showed the doctor. Her eyes scanned it but she quickly nodded and took Keith into a dark room with a single machine in it.

The machine was blue and white, big enough to fit two people in it.

Keith was quickly placed in it and the doctor pressed a few buttons, causing black glass to cover Keith and heat up.

"How... How does this machine work?" Lance asked. Not paying attention for the ten minutes of explaining the doctor had done before Keith fell out of the machine.

His wound was gone and he looked fine, passed out, but fine.

Lance picked him up Keith, waving and smiling kindly at the doctor. He left the hospital as quickly as he could and got to his car.

He put Keith down on the ground next to his car very gently. He opened his car door and began to clean up Keith's blood.

After a bit he finished cleaning his car, picked up Keith and put him in the front passenger seat. He then got into the car and drove.

(It's a very short chapter, I'm too tired to write today. Hope it wasn't too short to the point you didn't like it. I'll put up two chapters tomorrow, hopefully.)

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