Loke x Neko! Reader | Opposites Attract | Part 2

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"In case you haven't noticed, we're in the middle of a fight" [Name] answered, crossing her arms.

"Right, sorry Love" Loke said, looking ahead. [Name] made no reaction and shadows covered her hand.

"I'll take Libra, you two keep Pieces busy" Lucy suggested.

"I think you should take Miss Yukino, Miss Lucy. She still has another key in her hands. You should keep her busy." [Name] suggested.

"Oh right, I almost forgot about that" Lucy said, hand going to another key.

"Don't worry Miss Lucy, I'm sure Leo can deal with Pieces. I'll take Libra" [Name] said, smiling. She quickly disappeared before either of the two could complain.

"Are you sure Loke?" Lucy looked concerned.

"[Name]'s word is key, don't worry about me beautiful" Loke grinned, punching the fish away from Lucy.

Lucy smiled and nodded, trusting her two spirits. [Name] may be a silver key, but she and Loke made an amazing team.

[Name] managed to distract Libra enough for her gravity shift to stop. Moments later, both Libra and Pieces disappeared in a golden light as they were defeated by light and shadow.

The fans cheered louder but they were silent compared to the yells of the Fairy Tail guild.

Yukino quickly jumped back from Lucy pulling out the thirteenth gate key.

[Name] spotted her actions and in a flash, the stadium turned dark. Yukino hesitated and [Name] was next to her, kicking her to the floor.

"Open! Gate of the Snake Charmer! Ophiuchus!"

[Name] winced as she returned back to Loke's side.

"You're going to have to kick her harder than that next time" Loke told her, fists raised as they looked at Ophiuchus. "This is the Grand Magic Games Love, you don't go easy on people, even if they're your friends"

"Right, I got it, stope the lectu--" She cut herself off by dodging the snake, jumping in the air.

She looked back at Lucy, who was jumping out the way of the snake.

"I'll distract Ophiuchus" Loke suggested, twisting his ring with his hand.

"No, you distracted last time, I'll do it" [Name] told him, smiling.

Ophiuchus' attention went to [Name], completely forgetting about Loke and Lucy.

But [Name] didn't attack much and only avoided attacks. When Ophiuchus was turned the other way, Loke's fist glowed a bright golden colour as he jumped up.

[Name]'s fist was surrounded by a dark cloud as she hit the exact spot on the opposite side of Ophiuchus where Loke hit.

Ophiuchus disappeared just like Libra and Pieces. The match was over and it was announced that Lucy won when Yukino fell to the ground.

[Name] bent over slightly, breathing heavily. Loke noticed and helped her.

"We'll be heading back Lucy, [Name]'s not really used to summoning herself" Loke said, an arm around her as they started disappearing.

"It's not my fault!" [Name] shoved him lightly and then turned to Lucy, smiling. "You can always call on us"

"Thanks again!" Lucy smiled happily before going to help Yukino off the floor.

[Name] and Loke appeared in the celestial world. Immediately, [Name] felt better, but she leaned her head on Loke's shoulder.

"Thanks Leo" [Name] murmured as they walked.

"No problem Princess" he grinned, easily picking her up off the ground, one arm under her back and the other under her legs.

"Don't call me that when you say the exact same thing to other girls" [Name] glared, reaching up to take off his glasses, which she didn't really like.

"You know I don't mean it" Loke pulled the girl closer to his chest.

"Precisely why I don't like it" [Name] played with his glasses.

"Can you give my glasses back now?" Loke asked and [Name] refused, tempted to throw them away.

"But I don't like them, they cover up your eyes" [Name] smiled but listened anyway, placing them back on his face.

She quickly kissed him before pulling away, giggling as she looked at his askew glasses.

~~~ End ~~~

Fairy Tail X Reader OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin