"anything to give him hope that this wasn't all for nothing."

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Jc stood up quickly, slipping on his ripped skinny jeans and checking his phone. Kian watched from the bed, examining his face, looking for any signs of love or attraction or anything at this point. Anything to give Kian hope that this hasn't been for nothing, that all of these years of loving this boy haven't been for nothing.

Jc felt Kian's eyes on him, and turned away guilty. He knew. He knew that Kian liked him a lot more than he ever let on, and that he wanted more than a "friends help friends" relationship with Jc. He knew, and he felt guilty about it every night, but it never stopped him from using the lanky boy any less.

"Corey and Bobby want to watch a movie in about half an hour, you in?" Jc turned to Kian finally, making eye contact for the first time since Jc was inside of him.

Kian had a glazed over look on his face, staring at Jc, but somehow also looking through him. Jc couldn't begin to imagine what the other boy was thinking at the moment. He just gave a distracted nod and went to fix his hair that Jc had been pulling at no more than ten minutes ago.

After both boys were cleaned up, they walked downstairs together. Kian quickly ate a pop tart before the movie, and then both boys were in Kian's car and driving to meet up with their roommates.

"Wait, who's going again?" Kian asked for the third time since they left the house, looking distractedly from his phone to the road and back again. Kian always texted and drove, which drove Jc nuts.

"Bobby and Corey, now put your damn phone away!" Jc snatched Kian's phone and shut it off, not wanting to know what was distracting him so much. Kian huffed, but continued driving nevertheless.

"Bobby." Kian repeated with a small smile. Jc knew Bobby was one of Kian's closest friends, and one that Kian flirted with nearly as much as he flirted with Jc. Jc frowned at the thought.

"What's wrong?" Kian teased, noticing Jc's frown. "Turn that chubby cheeked frown upside down, babe."

Jc's frown deepened comically, making Kian laugh. Jc let the pet name slip as he got out of the car. They were at the theatre.

Jc hadn't even caught up to Kian, Bobby, and Corey, and he already saw the pair of friends making Jim Carrey references and laughing with each other while Corey watched with an amused smile. He sighed to himself.

He didn't have anything against Bobby, he actually liked him a lot. But he hated not being in on any of the jokes the two secretly shared.

"What's up, Jc?" Bobby turned his camera to Jc, waiting for a response.

"Actually, I was about to go watch this movie, The Chosen, featuring my boyfriend right here," Jc tried to kiss Kian and was instantly shoved off of him, laughing. Bobby turned off his camera and they all made their way to the movie, not sure what to watch yet.

"I don't really care, as long as we get food. I'm starving." Corey said flatly, making his way to the mini snack store full of overpriced food.

"When aren't you?" Kian joked, dragging Bobby with him as he followed. Jc trailed along, not really having an appetite at the moment.

"MnM popcorn?" Jc heard Bobby say, and Kian agreed instantly. They bought one huge popcorn bucket and dumped MnM's throughout it, already eating their snack as everyone made our way to the movie. Corey and Jc followed the pair, Jc tensing unintentionally every time he watched Kian and Bobby graze hands or feed each other a piece of popcorn.

"Jealous much?" Corey snorted as he watched Jc glare at the flirty duo in front of them. Jc gave him an astonished and slightly offended look.

"Fuck off Corey, I'm straight." Jc snapped, stealing some of Corey's candy to distract himself. The other boy gave him a quizzical look.

"I meant jealous of their friendship. Never said you were gay, bro." Corey smirked as Jc got more and more flustered, and he eventually just shoved his mouth full of candy to keep himself busy.

They all took their seats, Bobby at the end beside Kian. Jc sat beside Kian, with Corey on his other side. Kian flashed him a smile as the movie started.

About half of the movie passed when he realized that Kian and Bobby weren't even watching.

"Play me back." He heard Kian's raspy voice whisper to Bobby, who tried, unsuccessfully, to shrug him off. "Bobby. Bobby. Bobby-"

"Okay, okay!" Bobby finally gave in when Kian started throwing pieces of popcorn at his face. Kian smirked smugly as Bobby pulled out his phone and played Kian in 8ball.

They bantered back and forth all throughout the movie, until Bobby's phone died. Jc assumed Kian would turn to him to play an addictive IMessage game, and mentally prepared himself to ignore the taller boy.

But he didn't have to.

He looked back over at Kian to see him sprawled out even more than before, if that was even possible, with his leg across Bobby's. Bobby was leaned into him too, and they were both watching a different Jim Carrey movie on Kian's phone. They're heads were practically touching, and they were both making quiet references through different scenes.

Jc tried to shrug off the hot feeling in his chest and just watch the movie they came to see. Corey kept glancing at him as he fidgeted, which annoyed Jc even more.

Suddenly, lips were on Jc's ear, and he froze.

"Me and Bobby are gonna go get more snacks, be right back." Kian innocently whispered, standing up and stretching. Jc just nodded, feeling hot again. The sight of Kian's bare stomach as he stretched made him sink into his seat even more.

Bobby whispered something at Kian, and they both laughed again. Then, the boy grabbed Kian's hand and led them out of the theatre to "get more snacks".

Jc shrugged off the ugly feeling in the pit of his stomach.

We're just fuck buddies.

Kian likes me, I don't want a relationship.

I'm straight.

Kian likes me. Kian likes me. Kian likes me. He likes me. Not Bobby.

"Fuck! Why do I care?" Jc exclaimed out loud, earning several glares from the crowd and a confused look from Corey. "Sorry." Jc mumbled, sinking further into his seat, a small part of him still wondering what Bian was up to.


I'm alive!

I finally feel like writing again! I hope you liked this short chapter, (sorry bout that), but the next will be longer.

Do I ship Kian and Bobby? Borderline as much as Jian. But then again, I ship Kian with any guy, so who knows.

This is a Jian book, but it might turn into a love triangle type of thing? I make up what I write as I write so who knows what will happen.

Date: August 1st, 2017

Word count: 1180


Drowning In Air, A Jian / Bian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now