Potter Vault (Available)

Slytherin Vault (Not Available)

Ravenclaw Vault (Available)

Gryffindor Vault (Available)

Black Vault (Available)

Peverell Vault (Available)


Riddle Manor (Little Hangleton, United Kingdom)

Potter Manor (England, United Kingdom)

Godricks Hallow (West Country England, United Kingdom)

Slytherin Manor (England, United Kingdom)

Slytherin Mansion (Lafayette, California, USA)

Chez de Slytherin (Paris, France)

Slytherin Villa (Rio de Janero, Brazil)

Ravenclaw Manor (England, United Kingdom)

Ravenclaw Villa (New Orleans, Louisiana, USA)

Gryffindor Manor (England, United Kingdom)

Black Manor (England, United Kingdom)

Black House (Under Fidellius)

Peverell Manor (Location Unknown)

"Why do some of the vaults say not available?" Harry asked.

"You're not going to ask about anything else?"

"Of course I am, however this is the most reasonable thing to start with." Harry replied.

"If a vault is not available, it means that another family member is alive that is the lord of that family. Unless the lord gives you access, you will not be able to take anything except for the things that are the heir's. In your case, you have jewelry and money that is yours from the Riddle and Slytherin vaults. Since you are the only surviving heir of the Potters, you have access to all of their vaults and can gain lordship because of it." Griphook explained.

"What does lordship entail?" Harry asked, curious.

"Emancipation, whichever seats in the Wizengamot that you inhererit, basically all privileges you would have as an adult. Your original guardians will lose custody of you, as will your magical guardian." He replied.

"Who is my magical guardian?" Harry asked.

"Do you not know? They should have visited your residence every six months." Griphook said.

"No wizard has ever come."

"Strange. I would've thought that your guardian more than anyone else would want to make sure you were okay." Griphook muttered.

"Why? Who is my magical guardian?"

"Albus Dumbledore of course." Harry felt Draka move from under his cloak, and start to hiss things in his ear.

"~Albus Dumbledore is the worst of the wizards. He ruined my sister's master's plans horribly. He is the leader of the light, the people who wanted to let mudbloods into the wizarding world.~" Draka explained, irritated.

"I'd like to get immediate emancipation, and I'd also like to look through all of the possessions and vaults available to me." Harry ordered, not liking what Draka explained to him. This Dumbledore person seemed like someone that he would not like.

Griphook nodded, and took out a sheet of paper.

"You will have to sign this in order to claim Lordship of the Potter, Black, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Peverell families. Also, drop some blood on the parchment using this." Griphook said, handing him a knife. Harry took it and signed, then pricked his finger and let some blood fall. Immediately after it hit the paper, five rings appeared on the table, along with two other seperate ones.

Hadrian Salazar Riddle - A Harry Potter FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now