Cherokee Rose

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A/N: I'm really really sorry that it took so long to update this story! Like I've said many times before the scripts for Walking Dead are missing the character's name beside each line for that character and basically every non-sound and/or non-dialogue parts. So I told you guys I would continue writing chapters during the summer, because with school: I have zero time to actually sit down and re-watch each episode and fix what's missing and add what needs to be added from Charmed. So guess what time it is?? --- That's right! Its summer break which means I am back to working on Charming Dead. Few things about other content: Stories such as Should I Fear? Should I Fearless?, Something's End This Way Nears, and POSSIBLY Walking with the Witches, Charmed S5 Rewrite, and Charmed S1-3 Rewrite may be put on a break until school starts in August, because that's when I usually write those! Plus we're getting new laptops may be better when writing and everything. Changing Dead History?? is being pushed back to when school starts as well. Scream TV Series Rewrite, I will try and work on it as well this summer. Now enough of me talking and on with the chapter.

Outside in the front of the Greene house...

Rick, Lori, Carl, Shane, Glenn, Beth, Jimmy, T-Dog, Sheila, DJ, Otis, Maggie, and Piper are moving rocks by an area of trees. Prue was using her telekinesis and moving the logs without lifting a finger.

Phoebe was inside with Paige. Hershel and Patricia stayed in as well, in case something happened concerning with Paige.

"Why are you using your power to the do the work? Hello..personal gain!" Piper asked her older sister as she wiped sweat from her forehead.

"Oh Piper lighten up, I'm pretty sure that personal gain isn't important to them; right now." Prue says, glancing up.

"You say that now.." Piper says, trailing off. Her anger with the Elders had long subsided to a 'you want war, you've got one' attitude.

Everyone frames from working when they hear a motorcycle approaching. They all look up to see Daryl driving his motorcycle down the Greene driveway, following him is: someone driving Shane's car, someone driving the Halliwells' car, and Dale at the end; driving the RV.

Inside the house, in Paige's room, Hershel is feeling Paige's forehead.

"Fever's gone down." He says.

Paige stirs, her eyes still closed and her body making slow, gradual waking movements.

"Paige? Paige?" Phoebe says, jumping out her seat.

"Sophia? Is she okay?" Paige asks, her eyes now slowing opening; adjusting to the light that's illuminating into the room.

"...Fine. She's fine. Just rest, honey." Phoebe says to her baby sister. "I'll be right here, okay?"

"Phoebe? When did you get here? Where's--Piper a-and Prue?" Paige asks, belittled.

"Not long ago. Piper and Prue are fine, they're outside. Just get some rest, okay?" Phoebe says, caressing Paige's forehead.

"Okay." Paige complies and closes her eyes to get some rest. Phoebe sits back in her chair and holds onto Paige's hand.

Piper walks into the room, "They're here."

Phoebe looks up, her facial expression: a gloomy one. Piper took it in and knew what it meant.

"Come on, she'll be fine." Piper says.

"I told her, I'd be here if when she wakes again. I'm keeping my word." Phoebe says.

"She woke? Why didn't you tell Prue and I?" Piper asks, a little irritated that her sister didn't tell of this news.

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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