Tell It To The Witches

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Oh I was gonna call this chapter Tell It To The Frogs, like in TWD, but I'm gonna call it Tell It To The Witches instead, because with the arrivals of witches at the camp and you have to pay attention in this chapter to find out why I named the chapter Tell It To The Witches. That's all for now and I'll shut up now, I hope you guys enjoy and here is the chapter.

Rick drives the Ferenc cube van back to camp as the sun sets.

"Best not to dwell on it. Merle got left behind. Nobody's gonna be sad he didn't come back... except maybe Daryl." Morales said.

"Daryl?" Rick asks.

"His brother." Morales said.

The car alarm approaches. Glenn is whooping and hollering.

"Whoo-hoo!" Glenn hollers.

Glenn speeds past Rick and the others on their way out of town.

"At least somebody's having a good day." Morales said.

Piper makes her way up to Rick and Morales.

"Yeah well it won't last long." Piper said.

"What do you mean?" Rick asks.

"I mean with the way the world is now, a good day is something that never lasts long, even if we tried to make it last, something always happens." Piper said.

"You're wrong, good days can happen, even with the way the world is." Morales said.

"Maybe you're right. I just not myself lately without thinking I may never see Leo again." Piper said.

"Who's Leo?" Rick asked.

"My whitelighter husband. The Elders took him and every single whitelighter up there and are under lockdown." Piper said.

"What's a whitelighter and who are The Elders?" Morales asked.

"A whitelighter is sort of like a guardian angel for witches and The Elders, oh don't get me started. Let's just say there a pain in the ass." Piper said.

"Okay." Morales said.

At the hilltop camp, Glenn has already arrived in the Charger. The truck approaches.

Glenn smiles as Rick drives up in the Ferenc cube van. Inside the cab Morales pats Rick on the arm.

"Come meet everybody." Morales said. "That means you too, Halliwitches." He says loud enough for the sisters to hear him.

Morales gets out. Phoebe comes to the front. Rick stays in his seat and rubs his eyes.

"You okay, sheriff?" Phoebe asked.

"Yeah, I just really want to find my wife and son, that's all." Rick says.

"Oh don't worry, I'm sure they're fine." Phoebe said and pats Rick on the arm and gets a premonition.

Rick gets out of the truck to meet everybody. The scene changes to a woman and a boy hugging. The boy then notices something, he sees Rick. "Dad!" The boy yelled. He runs up to Rick and they embrace. The woman suprised stands there. Rick sees the woman, he runs to her and they embrace.

"What's wrong?" Rick asks Phoebe seeing that she getting teary-eyed.

"Nothing, I'm okay." Phoebe said. "I'll see you out there." She said and gets out of the truck to join her sisters.

Outside the truck.

Prue, Piper, and Paige stand nearby, quiet and watching everybody reunite. Phoebe joins them.

The Charming Dead (Charmed/Walking Dead Crossover)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora