Catherine and Violet nods there head.


“Your favorite color is silver and your favorite ice-cream is chocolate.” Olivia laughs.

Violet licks her ice-cream cone and nods her head asking, “Why are you asking my favorites.”

“I don’t know. I guess I like you better as Violet than the alpha.” Olivia answers honestly. “And I want to know more about you.”

“Well there not much to tell, how about you tell me about your family and pack in the north.” Violet asks.

“Well it’s very different up there. It’s happy no problems and no other supernatural creatures roaming around either. It’s just humans and wolves.” Olivia answers.

“Do you miss it?” Violet questions, “Your family, friends, and home.”

“Yes, but I can’t return until the war is over.” Olivia replies.

“You didn’t have any relationships back in your town?” Violet asks.

“Nope.” Olivia answers.

“Really no one?” Violet asks.

“I’m serious no one.” Olivia smiles. “Why is that surprising.”

“Yeah, I mean you’re really pretty. I thought it would be someone.” Violet replies.

Olivia looks down blushing and eats the rest of her cone hoping Violet doesn’t see her blushing.

Violet finishes the rest of her cone and says, “Well time to take you on that tour. Want another cone?”

“Yes, thanks I will wait by the bike.” Olivia says walking out the store.


Violet and Olivia walks into the mansion laughing with goofy hats on there heads and Olivia had a big teddy bear in her hand.

“Where have you two been?” Scott asks.

“We went to the fair.” Olivia answers.

“The fair, you got Violet to go to the fair. Lights, Colors, Kids, games, fun, and things she hates the most and she went.” Scott asks with a shock expression.

Violet rolls her eyes, “Never going back.”

Olivia laughs, “She loved it and she won me this big bear.”

Violet walks upstairs saying, “About to shower.”

When Violet gets into the shower she was quite surprise she hasn’t had any fun in a long time and she like hanging out with Olivia. Olivia distracts her from her problem which was Chloe. Violet frowns thinking of Chloe she missed her so much but she felt so weak because she couldn’t do anything about it.

While Violet was in the shower Olivia sits down stairs and tells Scott about her day with Violet.

“She punches him in the face because he wouldn’t give you the bear.” Scott asks.

“Yeah she was pissed; she also grabs another bear for the little girl who couldn’t win anything.” Olivia smiles, “She is really a caring person.”

“Don’t tell her that but, I should head to my room promise my girlfriend I would call her goodnight Olivia.” Scott says getting up leaving the table.

Olivia smiles and goes to her room seeing Tori sleep she grabs her some shorts and a t-shirt jumping in the shower. When she gets out she heads to Violet room she walks in without knocking and see’s Violet wrap in a short towel and her hair over her shoulders wet and dripping. Olivia cannot help but stare and when Violet turns around she blushes.

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