Met Once, Meet Again (Yusei Fudo x F!Reader)

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Requested by: The_Obsessed_FanGirl

Plot made by requestor!


(y/n) honestly couldn't help but to think to herself too much. She met a male last summer, and she wonders if he's up to anything. The duel she saw of him, she fell in love with his motives. The way he duels is so entertaining. It was to (y/n)'s liking. Even after the duel she got his autograph. Yusei, Yusei Fudo was the man's name. (y/n)'a last summer was so great. He never left her mind. However, it wasn't too bad for her to let her mind wonder off into space. She often daydreams at her new job.

She's a lifeguard, at the local pool. This job pays a lot better than the odd jobs she had before. (y/n) was happier to get more money but her summer homework will suffer homework for college will suffer. (y/n) lightly tapped away in her high chair. She has one bud in so she could listen to music. She pushed up her sunglasses and continued to look around.

This job was boring though, most of the time she's just yelling at kids. They always run and it's so obnoxious for her to deal with. Sometimes the parents even yell at (y/n). She's just trying to keep everyone safe. (y/b) ran fingers through her hair and sighed slightly. This wasn't a fun day, hardly any kids were running. She just wanted to go home and watch TV honestly. Summer is suppose to be fun, not boring. Shouldn't (y/n) be with her friends? Or at least staying inside doing nothing?

(y/n) leaned back and continued to sweat. She honestly felt so gross and disgusting. (y/n) felt so tempted to jump into that pool. It looked nice and cold. (y/n) really needed that. Though someone caught her attention. 1 in a billion happened, Yusei was here. Why would he be in a public pool? But (y/n) didn't care, she was just too surprised. (y/n) was as well filled with excitement. (y/n) couldn't help but stare a little. (y/n) had shades on so no one knew where she was looking.

Yusei and his friends set up their area. After Crow jumped into the water. Kiryu lowered himself in but the Crow pulled him down. He gasped but he had fun. Carly and Yusei sat under the shade and just chatted. Jack went into the pool the most normal way as possible. Bruno also lowered himself in. Akiza was just sitting on the pool sidelines. She just placed her feet into the water. Well, (y/n)'s day just got 100% better.

"Yusei," Called Akiza, "Come here!"

Yusei went over with Carly. They sat down next to her and placed their feet into the the water.

"Yes Akiza?" He spoke.

"The water is nice, isn't it?" Akiza asked.

"Yes, it's refreshing." Yusei spoke back as he moved his feet around.

Akiza pushed him in, "Enjoy it."

Carly gasped, "Akiza! Yusei can't swim!"

"Oh my god! I-" Akiza was cut off by a whistle noise. (y/n) jumped in with a float.

She placed the float on him and brought him back to the concrete spot.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know! I-" Akiza was cut off once more with Yusei coughing.

"It's-" He coughed, "F-fine!"

"Sir, are you okay? Do I need to call anyone?" (y/n) spoke, as she touched his muscle but then pulled away.

Yusei spoke, "I'm fine, don't worry. I just need to rest." He sat down and spoke, "Did we meet before?"

"Yes, actually, at a tournament." (y/n) smiled.

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