How We Became The Worlds Greatest Heroes [Part 4]

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Shizuki PoV

Now who would be texting me to meet up with them at this hour?

As I'm walking to the park, I see Todoroki. Although he doesn't know who I am, I decided to go up to him and try talking to him.

"Hey, I'm Shizuki Midoriya. Do you think I could walk with you for a bit?"


"You seem like a pretty chill guy, (oooh that was punny) and plus we're walking in the same direction, I also don't like walking alone, aaand you look about my age."

"Fine. You don't seem like the type to take no for an answer so I really don't have a choice. And let me guess, you were going to walk with me no matter what I said, that correct?"

"And I thought I was hard to understand. But, yes you were completely correct about me."

We started walking and I tried making small talk, and it worked surprisingly. Another thing that is surprising is the fact that, we have a lot in common, like wtf?! The stuff he's telling me about himself and what he likes isn't gone over in the anime and nobody knows about this stuff. I feel really lucky now. Thank you Kami-sama.

"Ne Todoroki-kun, what highschool are you going to?"

"U.A. I want to become a hero with just my moms quirk to show my father that her quirk alone is powerful." (Idk what his reason is, I forgot, and I don't feel like searching for the moment he says what his reason is)

"I'm going to the same high school as my brother. He doesn't know what school to go to yet so all I can do is sit around and wait for him to choose haha." I can't tell if I'm good at lying or not let's just see what he says.

"Well, hopefully he finds out which school to go to by the end of the school year."

"Yup! Well, this is my stop! Can I have your number so I can talk to you?"

"Sure." *insert number exchanging here*

"Well, I'll see you later hopefully haha!" I said while jogging away.

"Bye." he said with a slight wave.

As I approached the park I saw a woman that looked to be in her late 20's to early 30's.

"Are you the person that texted me?"

"AH! Jeez, you scared me! Um, yes I was the one who texted you."

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Well, Um.....It- Well,"

"Just spit it out already! Jesus Christ!" sorry if that offends you that's just what I say when stuff like this happens.

"Well... Iwantyoutoinheritmypower!!!" She said flustered


"I want you to inherit my power."


"Because you don't want to go to U.A without a quirk now do you? And I think your perfect and my power would suit you." she said with a smile.

"What is your power?"

"It's almost like All Might's but, you go through a transformation type thing, you can slightly customize what you look like too."

"Wow. That does sound like the type of power I would have."

"I thought so. Do you want it or not, I mean it's ok if you don't-"

"No, I'll do it! I need to be strong enough to protect my brother if he does something stupid and cant get out of it."

"Wow, I wasn't expecting an immediate response. Ok let's get the process started."

I Don't Know How I Got Here But, I'm Glad I Did (BNHA fanfic) {SLOW UPDATES}Where stories live. Discover now