How We Became the Worlds Greates Heroes [Part 1]

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Once Kacchan's face turned into a look of desperation, my legs moved on their own along with Izu-nii's.

While we were running we were thinking of what to do and since he and I share the 'Hero Analysis' notebooks we came to the same conclusion without uttering a single word. We simultaneously threw out bags at the slime dude and some of our books fell out and I forgot I had spare knives in there and one got stuck in the villains eye, I pulled out a few knifes from under my shirt and threw them at his eyes they all landed in his eyes, that allowed Kacchan to breath for a second and I took that opportunity to pull Kacchan out, Izu-nii saw what I was going for and helped pull him out we were successful but we couldn't to anything to protect ourselves just then All Might came and punch him right in the kisser with,


After everything calmed down and the villain was contained, we got scolded while Kacchan go praised and I got angry.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" I yelled and punched the ground, "WHY THE HELL DOES HE GET PRAISED ALL HE DID WAS GET CAUGHT WHO SAVED HIM!? US! AND WE SHOULD GET SCOLDED FOR THAT!? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!?!? WE-we...saved someone...and we get in trouble?...*sniff* c'mon Izuku we're leaving." I grabbed Izuku's arm and walked away

Izuku's thoughts: that's the first time she's called me 'Izuku'.

As we walked away Izuku was apologizing for my behavior although it is messed up, like we get in trouble for saving someone and the person that couldn't do anything gets praise? It's just so frustrating. Somewhere along the way I stopped without knowing it.

"Shi-chan..." I heard Izuku say and he started to hug me tightly and I let everything I built up out and start crying loudly.

Kacchan's PoV

Tch, that Deku!!!

I decided to follow them since the girl made such a ruckus I wanted to see what was going on.

"Shi-chan..." Deku? Suddenly I hear loud sobbing I look around the corner to see Deku comforting this 'shi-chan'

"Its *hic* so frustrating! Why should the hero get *sniffle* scolded!? It makes no sense. I mean yeah it was dangerous but it's not our fault our legs moved on their own, Kacchan looked like he needed help... And even some of the best heroes need help sometimes ya know?" She makes a fair point

"Yeah yeah I know. Oh! How about we go to you favorite place and take a walk around there?"

(↓↓↓this is filler shit↓↓↓)
"Yay! I'd love that but I need to do something first right over here." She said and pointed the opposite direction of me but she walked over to where I am anyways.

I hide behind a small trash can.

"Kacchan, I know your there~"

"Tch, what do you want?" I asked while standing up.

She went on her toes and kissed my cheek,

(↓↓↓this isn't filler shit↓↓↓)
"Nice job at not passing out/ dying!" She said and skipped back to Deku, she hopped on his back and said, "onward brother!" And pointed forward while screaming, "FOR NARNIAAAAA!!!!"

So they're brother and sister?

Told you it was gonna be short I didn't have much inspiration for this one but I will do another chappy for the whole All Might shiz-nuggets so yeah,

Ja ne peeps!

See ya next week!

Word count: 585

I Don't Know How I Got Here But, I'm Glad I Did (BNHA fanfic) {SLOW UPDATES}Where stories live. Discover now