but why?

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  Please listen to this while you read. credit for this goes to Lucas Brodan.  

Steven was sitting on a rock facing the barn; Peridot was still tied up to the fence. Steven looked down with his hands on his face wondering why. "Why did we have to go and get the drill heads from the kindergarten? Now peridot and amethyst don't get along." Steven looked up at the clouds watching them go by the all looked different but the same. He wondered "why would homeworld want to put a massive fusion in the earth? What do they need it for?" Steven looked at Rose who was helping pearl. He looked at her then sighs. Garnet came up to him. "Steven whats wrong?"

He looked up at her and said "I just, Don't get it. Why can't we all get along? Why do amethyst and peridot have to fight?" Garnet sat down next to Steven. She looked at the barn amethyst was inside, and peridot was still tied to the fence. Garnet looked at Steven and said " Amythest and Peridot are from two different worlds. They both have different ideas and beliefs. They don't understand each other. They just need some time that's all." Garnet put her hand on Stevens' head rubbing it. She looked at his face and saw that something else was troubling him. She asked him "Steven what is it?" he looked at the ground and picked up a leaf. He studied it turning it in his hand and sighed. "I don't get it," he said. Garnet asked him "What is it Steven?" she said in a concerned voice. She couldn't see what would happen next even with her future vision.

"Who is she?" Steven asked. Garnet looked at him confused. "Who?" she asked. Steven looked up and said "Rose." garnet looked at Rose and said "Your mother." Steven just sighed. "Is she?" Garnet was shocked. In her mind? Ruby and Safire were freaking out. "Safire what do we do!?" Ruby yelled. Safire looked through Garnets eyes at Steven and tried to look in the future. Safire cried "I don't know?" Ruby walked forward and quietly said, "I got this." Safire just looked at ruby and held out her hand. Ruby looked at her and smiled.

Steven was looking at the ground and had one tear on his face. Garnet took off her shades all three of her eyes looked so worried and put her hand on Stevens back. "Steven your mother, Rose loves you she put her own life at risk and just so you could be born. she cares deeply for you." Steven looked at the ground and the leaves that were falling to the ground. He thought " Does she care about me or my abilities or does she care about the earth more? Would she watch me die so the Earth could live? She just came back, and for all, I know she only saw dad twice. What is he going through? All these years and when she comes back she barely sees Him!?"

Safire saw what Steven was thinking she walked up to ruby saying "ok my turn." Garnet looked at Steven saying "your mother has done a lot of things in her life. Right or wrong she has to live with them. I know that you think your mom doesn't care, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. All she can think about is you. When she was pregnant with you, she stopped going on missions all her time was put into you and Greg. It would be days even weeks till we would see her again." Steven began to weep. he grabbed garnet tight and cried, and garnet held Steven. Pearl saw what was happening and called Rose.

"Rose look," Pearl said, Rose got up and looked at Steven and garnet who were on a Rock crying. Rose had a worried but happy expression. Amythest came out of the barn with supplies and saw Garnet and Steven On a Rock crying. Rose walked up to them and kneeled down in front of Steven and asked, "Steven whats wrong?" she said in a motherly voice. Steven looked up at her and hugged her crying even more. Pearl and Amythest saw this and Ran up beside Rose; Amethyst was on the Right and Pearl on the left. Steven said quietly " I am proud to be your son." Rose smiled and Cried saying "I am proud to be your mother. Then Amythest hugged them saying " "You are the best little man I ever knew!" Pearl embraced them saying "It is a Honer watching you grow, I love you." Garnet hugged them saying, "You are the best thing that has ever happened to us."

They stayed like that crying for awhile. Peridot looked at them, and wondered are they performing fusion? She looked down at her hands and whispered: "You are the best clods I have ever known." Then she fell over. When she got up Steven was there he hugged her saying Perri loves us. Peridot said "What I-I" she sighed "well yea you guys aren't that bad." But we have a Drill to finish!" Steven let go, and her nodded.l then garnet walked up and let her out of her leash.

Greg was outside his van, and it was about midnight "Well time to close up for the night." he said as he closed the van doors. Just as he was about to lay down, he heard knocking on the back doors. When he opened them, he saw someone. "Wa- who is it he said as he rubbed his eyes. "Are you Greg?" Greg looked at the figure and yawned saying "Ya, who are you?" The figure walked froward, and it Looked like Rose, but instead of a Star, she had a Dimond on her stummic. "Ow Rose I didn't Recognize you whats wrong?" She smiled saying "Ow nothing and by the way thanks." Greg asked, "For Wa-." Rose Quartz Knocked him out. She took him saying " you are going to help me draw her out."

What is up guys and gals I hope you like my new chapter I hope you enjoy it? And I will start writing more of them this way. Now comes this part. You probably know That I am writing a new story called Steven universe red diamond you can find it at https://www.wattpad.com/story/117072112-steven-univers-red-diamond

I am telling you this again because When I try to look it up I can't find it. So for about maybe one or two chapters, I will tell you about it. I'm sorry if this is an inconvenience to you I will try to make it less. I just really want to get it out there. Well, talk to you later Fam. have a Good day or night

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