where to start?

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Rose's pov

Rose's pov

We went back to the house, and Steven began working on a box with peridot. While everyone was getting ready, I turned around and looked outside. "It's an average day." I laughed no, it couldn't be farther away from normal. I looked up at the birds that were flying. The ocean was a little more erratic today. I was thinking about what that one kid at the pizza shop said. Could it be true? Or am I going crazy? I turned to see Steven in a cardboard box and peridot holding a flyswatter. "since I have no other option I have conceded to share some information with you Crystal Gems." peridot then snaps her fingers. And Steven walks up in a box with the earth drawn on it. Peridot hits the box with the flyswatter and states " This is the earth at the very center of the earth lies the cluster! Rotate, this Is the cluster an artificial fusion composed of millions of gem shards it has laid dormant in this planet core for thousands of years and when it emerges the damage will be catastrophic, now!" Steven then shook and tore through the box with a green sock puppet saying "raw!" peridot looked at him with disgust "What is that?" she asked Steven answered "The cluster?" peridot hit the box with the flyswatter saying it does not look like that. But it is real, and it is coming. Thats why I am telling you this." peridot said very worryingly.

I looked outside "hmm where are we going to get the supplies to build a machine to get us to the earth's core?" no one had an answer. Then peridot began ripping things from the walls. Saying "This primitive earth tech could prove to be useful!" Steven ran up to her and said "Wait! I know a place that has the stuff we need. So please stop breaking my stuff." Amythest just laughed saying "Classic Steven." I turned to Steven and asked "So, Where is this place where we could get the supplies?" he walked forward saying "I am glad you asked. We are going to the best place in the country." he then ran on the warp pad saying "come on!" we all walked to the warp pad, and he sent us to a barn. He ran up and opened the barn doors saying "here! everything we need!" I look at this place, this barn? I feel like I have been here before. In the barn, their is a tonne of old junk, but it looks to have some meaning to it. Well, sentimental meaning now. Thier are old plane parts, a picture of two WWII pilots. It seems to have been someones joy, and in the far back, I see an old WWI plane. Then I thought "This isn't a junk yard it's a museum of someone's life." So I put all the stuff that looked important to history in the far back so no one would use it.

Looking at the floor I found a picture of a little boy and his friend, picking it up I just stared at it, One of them looks so familiar. Then it hit me it's Greg. So I put the picture in a high place to be above everything else. I got lost looking at all the amazing machines and pictures of these humans that I forgot about what we came here to do. Just then I heard something like a car crash. I ran outside to see peridot and pearl in robots fighting each other. Peridot was winning, but that doesn't matter. I got furious and began to yell " What Is going on!" everyone was looking at me. In shock "We are here to build a machine to stop the cluster. Not robots to fight In! I cant believe you all went along with this Especially you garnet. We all could be shattered at any moment! So I will make this easy for you! Get out of those Robots, Dismantle them and get to building this thing, This drill before I bubble you!"

Peral and peridot jumped out of their robots and began to dismantle them. I turned around to see Amythest, Steven and Garnet have worried faces. I simply said "We have no time to be foolish. Billions of lives are at risk." we then began construction on the drill. two hours later and we sent Steven, Peridot, and Amethyst to get drill heads from the kindergarten. Peral, Garnet and I stayed to finish the designs of the drill.

Waz up my fellow readers, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter of my story. I will try to make more chapters more often. also, I would like to announce a new story I am writing called Red diamond. Please follow this link and support It! https://www.wattpad.com/story/117072112-steven-univers-red-diamond I will be seeing you in both stories very soon! have A good Day or Night!

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