Chapter 10

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"What?" Whispers Yoo Jung, her hand clenched into a tight fist.

Bo Gum's expression freezes and he twirls around to face the house. He can tell the living room light is off now. His head starts to spin, his eyes wanders around, to the house, to Yoo Jung, to the road, then back to the house. He remembers Woo Bin's determined face, and the little hope in his eyes. Is it fake?

"Um..hello?" Their team captain asks.

They both hang up.

"He deceived us?" Yoo Jung says, not sure herself is she is questioning or making a statement. She feels betrayed. Bo Gum catches her stricken face, and tries to alleviate the young woman. "We don't know that for sure," he says softly, then awkwardly pats her back. She doesn't stiffen at his touch, instead, she lifts her head and smiles brightly at him.

"I didn't know you had this side," she comments, poking his cheek.

"Oh you little--" He lifts up his fist.

She giggles.

Afraid to lose time, Bo Gum quickly crosses the road again, with Yoo Jung trailing behind him. He rings the doorbell several times, and pounds on the door with his fists. "Open up!" He shouts, attempting to twist the doorknob. "Kim Woo Bin ssi, open the door please!" Yoo Jung joins, slapping her palms against the door.


The two police stumbles into Woo Bin's house again. Without wasting another second, Bo Gum slams the door closed, then faces Woo Bin. He locks eyes with the man. "I'm going to have faith in you," he whispers. "I can only surmise that you're a good person, okay? Now please hear me out."

Yoo Jung's ears stands up.

"You're a muder suspect. You're blood was found on a deceased person's body. There were two murders before this one. Now here's my conclusion: they're all done by the same person. The first two bodies were found with blood wiped clean but with awful injuries. But the third one was covered in blood - your blood. I think someone is trying to drag you into the water, Kim Woo Bin ssi."

Yoo Jung bites her lips. Bo Gum is positively overconfident in him. She checks Woo Bin's reaction.

He is searching for any tricks in Bo Gum's eyes. "Please believe us, Kim Woo Bin ssi, we're trying to help you." Yoo Jung comes to his aid, staring up to his eyes, and putting an innocent face on. He stares hardly at her, then glares at his slippers. Finally, he shrugs his shoulder and forces a stiff smile.

"Okay. We have to find that person, right?"

"That's raaaght," Yoo Jung goes for a high-five. She ends up awkwardly patting his shoulder.

Then she twirls around, a frantic look on her face. "We're not going to be accomplices right? We are right? I just got this job damn it. I can't believe I'm going to jail. Wait, I'm not. He's innocent right? He must be. We will find the real culprit and arrest him then we'll be fine." She finishes with a slap on her chest.

The two men ignores her. "Okay we must get going," Bo Gum says.

And with that, the three walks out the house, dreading yet anticipating everything that's going to happen.

Short chap I apologize♡
Can you guys recommend some movies or dramas for me? thx
Have a great day!

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