Chapter 8

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"Are you sure you're gonna go?" Bo Gum asks for the thousandth time.

"You're the one who asked me to.

"I said 'let's go'." He argues.

"That's not called asking me to?"

Yoo Jung finishes packing her materials: knifes, police vests, gun, hand cuffs, cellphone. Not really a cell phone, it's a flip phone. She insisted she brings it, in case some emergency happens. She zips up her bag and tosses it on her shoulder, and smiles at him. Then the bag falls off, into Bo Gum's hand.

"This will only be a burden," he warns her, eyeing the bag.

"I need it."

He lets it drop into her oustretched hand.

"You sure you wanna go?"

"I'll drive," Yoo Jung says.


He checks the paper again.

514 S. Magnolia St. Orlando, FL 32806

The house is lighten up, not a single vine crawling on its wall. It's not dark, it's glowing, almost as if  happy family is inside, throwing a party with some friends. The house is anything but what Bo Gum imagined. He expected it to be dark, front, back yard neglected, the plants growing into a forest.

The doubt makes him pinch his eyebrows together, and heave a sigh. Yoo Jung just gapes at it, her expression frozen in disbelief.

Another weird thing is how close this house is to Bo Gum's. Almost like the owner of this house wants him to come often, to visit him often. Seems like what his father would wish for.

That son, is a key to survival.

He shakes his father's voice out of his head. He knows his father wants him to become his assistant, much more, a monster just like him. That's why his mother told him to run. She doesn't want her son to be completely devoured by the evil of his father.

"Not going in?" She looks up at him, gathering courage. "If not, I'm going." She takes off towards the house. With no choice, Bo Gum sucks in a breath, and follows her. They both knock on door, then rings the bell. Yoo Jung sighs and leans against the wooden door, as if she's attempting to catch a noise inside. She clicks her tongue then bite her lips, muttering, "the lights are on though."

It's been only about thrity seconds when they heard a voice. "Hold on, please."

The two police locks eyes.

"Male," she whispers.

He doesn't respond. Her creases his eyebrows, pressing his ears against the door, just to catch slow footsteps fading away. Although this man's voice is deep, it doesn't match his father's voice that has an edge to it. It doesn't match Jong Min's either. His voice is quite high compared to this man's. This stranger's voice makes Bo Gum suspect that his personality is quite dark.

Bo Gum stumbles forward a little when the door swings open suddenly. Yoo Jung quickly stretch out her hands to help him as him stands upright again. Bo Gum starts to scan this man thoroughly. He seems pretty young, a little over 25, he is very tall, about 187 centimeters, lean, with his bangs is just below his eyebrows, his eyes are dull and dingy and dark. Yet, he has very good looks.

He shoots Bo Gum a look that gives him the message: What do you want?

Yoo Jung nudges her partner and whispers with her lips twitched towards him, "He's the duplicate of you."


it's quite obvious. He's another fav actor of mine♡
My school is starting soon so maybe I won't update often (again, I'm sorry)
Have a nice day♡

Criminal's Son (BoYoo) DISCONTINUEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin