Hope Island

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We had all woken up in a strange place, that stupid rabbit said it was a safe place, then he showed up, Monokuma. Since his arrival, things went from strange to fucked up all in a day.

We had our leader, Byakuya, but that fateful night, the night of a party that was meant to take the edge off our situation, he died, the trial followed suit that's when we found out who Nagito really was, that deranged bastard, to think I thought he was nice Ha! Of course he was the one person that really talked to me other than Hajime and Chiaki.

Since the trial last night and the sentencing of Teruteru everyone went to bed, I doubt many of us got any sleep I know I didn't. My mind was filled with the execution, Nagito's true face, the knowledge of, this won't end till all of us are dead....
"Stop it"I cursed to myself I need to rest, my body was exhausted it must have been about 4am as I could see the sun rising through my blinds. So much has happened in so little time I thought to my self as I began to drift into a deep sleep.
I was rudely awoken by that stupid Monokuma alarm, I pulled myself out of bed, I hadn't bothered to change my clothes last night so first thing to do was shower and clean clothes, after dressing it was time for breakfast. Leaving my room I walked up to be greeted by pretty much everyone, I noticed that Nagito and Fuyuhiko weren't present, no one cared about Nagito and Peko explained that Fuyuhiko didn't want to show up, next thing I know Hiyoko is crying from everyone making fun of her for not bathing. I started to notice Kazuichi and Nekomaru were acting suspicious when someone brought up Nagito's name, as people were getting to them about it that Monokuma popped up out of no where. He rambled for 10 minutes about his monobeast then disappeared, then Monomi bloody showed up, everyone was really hostile to her and made her cry, then she explained something about the monobeast and an island, I don't really know I couldn't focus on anything, I just went and grabbed a plate of food watching everyone run out of the restaurant. Chiaki stayed with me, she is a really good friend we stuck together then walked over to the new island to explore.

By night time I was exhausted from the lack of sleep the other night, along with spending your free time with Chiaki, you both talked on the beach on the 2nd island for hours and I completely forgot about the horrors that had taken place. Just by touching my bed I felt like I was going to pass out. The Monokuma's announcement went off to say it was bed time, that was good enough "Time for bed" I sighed climbing under the sheets.
Sleep took me fast.

The next morning like always everyone met at the restaurant they were talking about the information we all received from Monokuma last night and about the traitor Nekomaru assured everyone not to worry about the traitor as they were tied up, Sonia spoke up
"Um.. Could you be... referring to Nagito, whom we have not seen since yesterday?",
That's when Hajime mentions about him not being able to move, the room rumbled like an earthquake when Nekomaru yelled "AW CRRRRRAAAAAPPPP!" It just kept unravelling from there turns out Kazuichi and Nekomaru where involved in tying him up, this in turn started a conversation about how creepy Nagito is, I couldn't deny any of it every word they spoke was true but there must be some reason he is like that, no I don't want to think of that, he caused Teruteru and Byakuyas deaths, as I though that Hajime bought up a good point of him needing food and drink,
"You're right he will need something unless we want another death on our hands " I spoke in a quite voice. My mind faded in and out of the conversation I think at some point Fuyuhiko came up and yelled at Kazuichi. After eating everyone kinda split off and went about their day, I went to meet Chiaki, we played video games for a few hours before I went to hanging out with Ibuki.

That night Monokuma made an anouncemt to come to Jabberwock park and something about fried rice, I sighed and got up to go to the park. It was dark out but I set off down, Hajime chased after me seems he was running late or something so we walked there together it helped me take my mind off things. When I arrived everyone was there talking about curry however my mind was distracted by the huge tv placed to the right of the statue, along with an arcade machine, Chiaki was ecstatic at the sight of it I thought me and Hajime would have to hold her down. Monokuma states to everybody that he made the game, it was called Twilight Syndrome Murder Case [Investigation Edition]. Like I'm gonna get sucked into this it was obviously a trap or a motive for us to kill each other again, I don't know how though but that's the least of my problems. Everyone talked about it for a while after monokuma finished talking, then some people left Fuyuhiko was the first to leave, I ended up leaving last with Hajime and Chiaki we have become close friends over the past few days, it helped with dealing with the stress of the situation.

I awoke suddenly from the Monokuma alarm, Tsk five more minutes that all I want, alas I couldn't drop back off, in defeat I rolled out of bed, showered put on clean clothes and went for breakfast, however no one was there but Mahiru who was throwing things around, "Umm good morning Mahiru, is everything okay?"
As soon as I opened I mouth she was at you with a tray of food
"Give this to Nagito I'm not doing it anymore!" She demanded in my face, "Umm Okay.... wait what do you mean ",
She shot me a glance then sighed,
"I thought I would be nice and deliver him some food as he hasn't eaten in a while I've been here and back again with different foods for him I'm sick of it so you can do it now, bye!" She spoke briskly then shot off leaving me stood there with a tray of food,
"Shit I don't want to see him at all".

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