➵ 23

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Author's POV

"Hyung that's incest!"

"I'm surprised you even know what that word means, fetus," Sungcheol snapped back, because of his salty mood.

"Calm down hyung. Drink some tea," Junghan says calmly, handing a cup of tea to his Sungcheol hyung. Sungcheol glares at Junghan.

"I drink coffee."

"Hyung. I don't care." Sungcheol reluctantly takes the cup of tea, only because his Junghan dongsaeng brewed it for him.

All the members knew Sungcheol was in a petty and pissy mode because he didn't think Jisoo would actually do what he said and ask out his sister.

Now he really is the coward of the group. Jisoo could do it and he couldn't. Jisoo.

"Hyung grow up." Jihoon growls. He was the one member who wasn't having any of this. It was pathetic to see his hyung like this in his eyes.

"I'm your hyu-"

"If you're going to say that you're my hyung then please act like it," Jihoon quickly says, making Sungcheol close his mouth. "Exactly."

Jisoo's POV

It's literally now or never. While kneeling down at a table. Playing with building blocks.

"Miyoung I have something to say."

She perks up from the blocks in her hands and looks up at me smiling.


Suck it up you 22 year old, I think to myself before hesitantly reaching over across the table for Miyoung's hands.

Once I'm holding them, she looks at me confused.

I can do this. I'm a flipping 22 year old grown man who shouldn't be nervous about asking out a girl. Yes, I shouldn't be nervous.

I'm just gonna say it, and nonchalantly wait for her response. I'm not nervous, I'm a confident man. (A/N - okay.)



Thanks, I try.

After hearing nothing but silence, I open my eyes.

Oh so you shut your eyes too?

Yes. It was cool.

She was just staring at me with her mouth gaping open.

I only stared at her because I'm an awkward person who doesn't know how to speak. I blink a few times while fidgeting, and somehow now my nerves have multiplied.

"D-Do I just take that as... Rejection?" I ask while mumbling, looking down at my lap.


Wait... W-What?

I slowly retreat my hands from hers and feel a heavy feeling in my chest.

"I mean no!" She quickly adds. "Oh my God! I meant yes to your question, yes I'll be your girlfriend. Oh my God I'm not rejecting you!"

I look up at her as she explains herself frantically.

"T-That was embarrassing..." She adds, smiling nervously.

"So... You'll be my girlfriend?" I ask to clarify, a cheeky grin finding its way into my face.

She flushes before answering.

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